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    Computer Graphics: Mathematical First Steps

    Beschreibung Computer Graphics: Mathematical First Steps. The book is structured in three parts which systematically cover the mathematical skills and knowledge appropriate for courses which develop expertise in computer graphics and CAD.Part 1 deals with points, lines and curves in space, using the techniques of vector algebra; Part 2 covers three-dimensional transformations, including rotation, scaling, translation and perspective, using the algebra of matrices; and Part 3 deals with the slopes of lines, normals to surfaces, and an introduction to wire-frame models and surface patches.

    Buch Computer Graphics: Mathematical First Steps PDF ePub

    Computer Graphics: Mathematical First Steps: ~ Computer Graphics - First Mathematical Steps is suitable for supporting undergraduate programmes in Computers and also the newer areas of Computer Graphics and Visualization. It is appropriate for post-graduate conversion courses which develop expertise in Computer Graphics and CAD. It can also be used for enrichment topics for high-flying pre-college students, and for refresher/enhancement .

    Free Download: Computer Graphics: Mathematical First Steps ~ Computer Graphics: Mathematical First Steps by Patricia A. Egerton, William S. Hall accessibility Books LIbrary as well as its powerful features, including thousands and thousands of title from favorite author, along with the capability to read or download hundreds of boos on your pc or smartphone in minutes.

    Computer graphics Mathematical first step ~ Computer graphics Mathematical first step Material Type Book Language English Title Computer graphics Mathematical first step Author(S) P. A. Egerton W. S. Hall Publication Data London: Prentice Hall Publication€ Date 1998 Edition NA Physical Description XIV, 329p Subject Computer Subject Headings Computer graphics ISBN € 0-13-599572-8 Copies € 0-13-599572-8 Permanent Links click here .

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