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    The Computer in the Visual Arts

    Beschreibung The Computer in the Visual Arts. Introducing a dynamic medium for artistic expression and graphic communication This is a seminal contributionoa must-read for anyone interested in how computers are used in art and design. Spalter masterfully presents the principles and practices of this vital and rapidly growing field. She blends just the right amount of technology with applications and implications to the visual arts, in an easy-to-read, informative style.. -- Andries van Dam, T. J. Watson, Jr. University Professor of Technology and Education and Professor of Computer Science, Brown University, and coauthor of the authoritative book, Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice. At last! Those are the words that most often greet Anne Morgan Spalteris new book--an introduction to computer graphics uniquely focused on the computer as a medium for artistic expression and graphic communication--the first comprehensive work to combine technical and theoretical aspects of the emerging field of computer art and design. Integrating theory, examples, and the concepts underlying all the major types of graphics software, Spalter explains the principles and practices that artist, designers, illustrators, and photographers

    Buch The Computer in the Visual Arts PDF ePub

    The Computer in the Visual Arts: 9780201386004: Computer ~ An excellent introduction to computer graphics, The Computer in the Visual Arts covers the historical evolution of the computer as it relates to the creation of artwork. Author Anne Morgan Spalter interviews contemporary artists for insights into their favorite techniques and approaches to planning, developing, and outputting their artwork. Anyone who uses a PC for creating digital art should look to this book for guidance on the technical, practical, and theoretical aspects of design and .

    COMPUTERS AND THE VISUAL ARTS - A. Michael Noll ~ computers in the visual arts. My own work in this area at Bell Labs touched upon computer chore-ography, computer-generated stereoscopic movies (a form of kinetic sculpture), and "ran-dom" patterns, all produced by a computer-controlled microfilm plotter.' Others in the same time frame, like Ken Knowlton and Ed Zajac at Bell Labs, were also investigating the use of digital computers in .

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    Kahn, D: Noise, Water, Meat: A History of Sound in the ~ Focusing on Europe in the first half of the century and the United States in the postwar years, Douglas Kahn explores aural activities in literature, music, visual arts, theater, and film. Placing aurality at the center of the history of the arts, he revisits key artistic questions, listening to the sounds that drown out the politics and poetics that generated them. Artists discussed include .

    Visual arts - Wikipedia ~ Visual artists are no longer limited to traditional Visual arts media. Computers have been used as an ever more common tool in the visual arts since the 1960s. Uses include the capturing or creating of images and forms, the editing of those images and forms (including exploring multiple compositions) and the final rendering or printing (including 3D printing). Computer art is any in which .