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    InDesign CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide (Visual Quickstart Guides)

    Beschreibung InDesign CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide (Visual Quickstart Guides). InDesign CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide highlights the important new features, as well as covering the ones readers have relied on in previous versions of InDesign. Complete coverage of InDesign CS6's new features includes: tools for easily outputting to various devices such as phones and notebooks, including Alternate Layouts, Liquid Layouts, and new content management tools; linked content tools, too more easily allow repurposing of content; PDF forms creation feature, including extensive library resources; enhanced selection and drawing tools. Users will learn how to create and automate documents, import and style text and objects, manage long documents, export files for a wide variety of purposes, and much more. Includes Free eBook and Video Access In addition to concise, step-by-step explanations of core tools and tasks, with plenty of helpful screen shots to keep you on track as you work, InDesign CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide includes an hour-long HD video and eBook. In addition to reading about how to use the tool, you can watch it in action. You can also download digital versions of this book to load on the mobile device of your choice so that you can continue learning whenever and wherever you are. We provide you with both the ePub and PDF to ensure that you get the experience that best suits your viewing needs.

    Buch InDesign CS6: Visual QuickStart Guide (Visual Quickstart Guides) PDF ePub

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