Beschreibung Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics. Illustrating the use of C, with stress on portability and speed, this book provides a mathematical background to techniques in computer graphics, before going on to develop a graphics program in C implementing these techniques. As a result, both students and professionals will find this presentation gives them a thorough understanding of the most fundamental algorithms in graphics programming, as well as providing them with a usable graphics package. Georg Glaeser covers such hot topics as hidden surfaces, shadows, reflections, patterns, and modelling curves and surfaces. Readers are assumed to be moderately familiar with programming, although all type definitions, global variables, and macros are thoroughly described prior to their first applications.
Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics: : Glaeser, Georg ~ Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics / Glaeser, Georg / ISBN: 9783540942887 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics von Georg Glaeser ~ In this book, a variety of algoritbms are described that may be of interest to everyone who writes software for 3D-graphics. It is a book that haB been written for programmers at an intermediate level as well aB for experienced software engineers who simply want to have some particular functions at their disposal, without having to think too much about details like special cases or .
Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics: ebook jetzt bei Weltbild ~ eBook Shop: Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics von Georg Glaeser als Download. Jetzt eBook herunterladen & bequem mit Ihrem Tablet oder eBook Reader lesen.
Exemplare: Fast algorithms for 3D-graphics ~ Fast algorithms for 3D-graphic. Exemplare; Zitieren ; Als E-Mail versenden; Datensatz exportieren. Exportieren nach EndNote; Exportieren nach BibTeX; Exportieren nach RIS; In die Zwischenablage Aus der Zwischenablage entfernen. Fast algorithms for 3D-graphics. Verfasser: Glaeser, Georg: Medienart: Gedrucktes Buch Alle gedruckten Medien der UB können aber ĂŒber ein Webformular bestellt .
(PDF) Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics BĂŒcher Online Lesen ~ Lesen oder Herunterladen Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics Buchen mit Georg Glaeser. Es ist eines der Bestseller-BĂŒcher in diesem Monat. VerfĂŒgbar in den Formaten PDF, EPUB, MOBI, KINDLE, E-BOOK und AUDIOBOOK. Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics by Georg Glaeser. Book Detail: Category: Book Binding: Taschenbuch Author: Georg Glaeser Number of Pages: 316 Price : EUR 88,74 Lowest Price .
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Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics: Edition 2 by Georg ~ Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics: Edition 2 - Ebook written by Georg Glaeser. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics: Edition 2.
(PDF) Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics BĂŒcher Online Lesen ~ Lesen oder Herunterladen Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics Buchen mit Georg Glaeser. Es ist eines der Bestseller-BĂŒcher in diesem Monat. VerfĂŒgbar in den Formaten PDF, EPUB, MOBI, KINDLE, E-BOOK und AUDIOBOOK. Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics by Georg Glaeser. Book Detail: Category: Book Binding: Taschenbuch Author: Georg Glaeser Number of Pages: Price : EUR 81,05 Lowest Price .
Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics (eBook, 1994) [WorldCat] ~ Get this from a library! Fast Algorithms for 3D-Graphics. [Georg Glaeser] -- The aim of this book is to provide a mathematical background to techniques in computer graphics, to develop a graphics program in C implementing these techniques, and to illustrate the use of C .
Practical Algorithms for 3D Computer Graphics: Ferguson, R ~ Practical Algorithms for 3D Computer Graphics, Second Edition covers the fundamental algorithms that are the core of all 3D computer graphics software packages. Using Core OpenGL and OpenGL ES, the book enables you to create a complete suite of programs for 3D computer animation, modeling, and image synthesis.
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Georg Glaeser â Wikipedia ~ Georg Glaeser (* 1955 in St. Johann im Pongau) ist ein österreichischer Mathematiker und seit 1998 ordentlicher Professor fĂŒr Mathematik und Geometrie an der UniversitĂ€t fĂŒr angewandte Kunst in Wien.Er studierte von 1973 bis 1978 Mathematik und Geometrie an der TU Wien, wo er auch 1980 bei Walter Wunderlich promovierte und seine Habilitation vorlegte.
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