Beschreibung Problem Solved: A Primer in Design and Communication. Designers and advertisers continually have to interpret design briefs, produce new solutions to familiar problems and work to keep their clients' brands high in the public consciousness. This highly informative guide brings together for the first time discussions and case studies that illustrate the working methods of major advertising and graphic design firms. Each chapter explores a different theme of problem solving, and concludes with a case study to illustrate a particular solution in detail. Themes include producing innovative work, avoiding repetition, standing out in the market place, reinventing a tired brand, communicating essential facts in a culture of information overload, keeping a brand young and trendy, dealing sensitively with propaganda, the use of shock tactics, and word-based advertising in a world over-run with images and sound-bites. Examples featured are taken from classic and contemporary international advertising. Designers and agencies whose work is discussed in the book include Chermayeff and Geismar, Saatchi and Saatchi, BMP, Minale Tattersfield, Derek Birdsall, Niklaus Troxler, Bob Gill, Wieslaw Walkuski, Makoto Saito, Paul Fishlock and Pentagram.
Problem Solved 2nd Edition / Design / Phaidon Store ~ An entertaining and thorough primer, Problem Solved is essential reading for students and professionals in all areas of the design and communication industries. The first edition was included on many university and college reading lists and this new edition should prove equally popular. SPECIFICATIONS: Format: Hardback Size: 245 x 210 mm (9 5/8 x 8 1/4 in) Pages: 320 pp Illustrations: 1350 .
Problem Solved : Michael Johnson : 9780714864730 ~ A primer in design and communication that offers solutions to the recurring problems faced by by students and professionals. It explores the ways creatives interpret their clients' brief, propose new ideas and reinvent existing products and brands, referring to a huge cross-section of different projects by acclaimed designers and agencies, including Saatchi and Saatchi, Paul Rand, George Lois .
Problem Solved: A Primer in Design and Communication ~ Problem Solved turns this on its head by looking at 19 recurring problems faced in design, branding and communication (i.e. the challenges faced by companies in trying to communicate with their target audience), and then explores how those problems can be (and have been) successfully solved. It's actually a clever piece of marketing as the premise of the book is that 'creative people' are .
Problem Solved: A Primer in Design, Branding and Communication ~ Problem Solved: A Primer in Design, Branding and Communication. Johnson’s first book was Problem Solved (Phaidon Press), originally published in 2002 and updated in a second edition in 2012.In this publication, Johnson’s aim was to stratify and simplify the vast array of issues that designers and communicators face into 19 simple questions – then answer them with comprehensive case .
: Customer reviews: Problem Solved: A Primer for ~ My only problem was this: the commentary by Johnson only goes so far. It's more than enough information for the casual reader, but for graphic design or advertising students and proffessionals, it may seem like the nitty-gritty of the creative process is not revealed enough. Admittedly, with so many examples given in Problem Solved, this would be impossible.
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