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    iMovie 3 Solutions: Tips, Tricks, and Special Effects

    Beschreibung iMovie 3 Solutions: Tips, Tricks, and Special Effects. "This is an outstanding book for those who want to move beyond iMovie's easy, built-in effects, and learn techniques to give your videos a more professional look."--MyMac.com Book Reviewer David Weeks Create Thousand-Dollar Video Effects with iMovie and QuickTime Pro You can do more with iMovie than you might think. You don't have to trade up to Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere to build stylish and exciting videos. iMovie 3 Solutions brings high-end visual effects to the iMovie community with easy-to-follow projects, step-by-step instructions, and companion sample videos. Whether you're a hobbyist, a budding producer, or a dedicated video prosumer, iMovie 3 Solutions will help you create unique and breathtaking videos on a budget. Inside, noted author Erica Sadun shows you the ins and outs of iMovie video tricks, including:* Adding logos and watermarks to your movies* Producing exciting picture-in-picture effects* Creating larger and more dynamic title sequences* Combining animated elements with your iMovie footage* Designing interactive QuickTime skins that surround your iMovie videos* Converting your PowerPoint presentations into iMovie form* Authoring captions and subtitles for your movies* Building your own iMovie plug-ins* And more!

    Buch iMovie 3 Solutions: Tips, Tricks, and Special Effects PDF ePub

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    Download iMovie 3 Solutions : Tips, Tricks, and ~ Book: iMovie 3 Solutions : Tips, Tricks, and Special Effects Dаtе аddеd: 20.07.2012 Total size: 2.83 MB Authоr: Erica Sadun Fоrmats: pdf, epub, android, audio, ipad, text, ebook Adobe TV Support : AskVideo - Online Software,.Online Software, Workflow, & Production. iMovie for Mac lets you organize all your clips, turn them into your favorite films or trailers, and then premiere them on .

    iMovie - Apple (DE) ~ iMovie auf dem iPad Pro ist echte Filmförderung. Arbeite mit mehreren 4K Videoclips. Erstelle Effekte wie Bild-in-Bild oder Splitscreen und sieh sie dir sofort an. Bearbeite Projekte mit Kurzbefehlen noch schneller. Und schließe über den USB‑C Anschluss am neuen iPad Pro ein externes Display an, um anderen deine letzte Version in 4K zu zeigen, während du weiter daran arbeitest. Teilen .

    iMovie 3 Solutions: Tips, Tricks, and Special Effects ~ iMovie 3 Solutions brings high-end visual effects to the iMovie community with easy-to-follow projects, step-by-step instructions, and companion sample videos. Whether you're a hobbyist, a budding producer, or a dedicated video prosumer, iMovie 3 Solutions will help you create unique and breathtaking videos on a budget.

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    iMovie - Official Apple Support ~ Use effects in iMovie. Change the way the video clips in your movie look with video filters, color adjustment tools, the Ken Burns effect, and more. Learn more about how to use effects . Edit video in iMovie. After you create your iMovie project and add video clips and photos to it, fine-tune your movie by making clips longer or shorter, changing the sequence of clips, and more. Learn how to .

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