Beschreibung Flash MX 2004 Savvy: Also Covers Flash Professional!. savvy n. Practical know-howBoth new and experienced Flash users need plenty of help mastering these versatile, powerful applications. Whichever group you belong to, Flash MX 2004 Savvy gives you the resources you need to advance your skills. This means clear explanations, real-world examples, and carefully crafted tutorials in which you'll learn the full range of Flash techniques. You'll find in-depth introductions to the features new to Flash MX 2004 and Flash MX Professional 2004: Timeline Effects, the expanded components library, built-in project management tools, and more.Designed so you can work your way from front to back or focus on the topics most important to you, this book helps you understand why Flash works as it does and how to meet the demands of your Flash-based projects. Coverage includes:Content creation: painting and drawing, text manipulation, reusable content, interactive slideshow presentations, content for the Pocket PCActionScript: manual scripting, movie clip management and parameter control--plus a complete ActionScript Reference on the CDInteractivity: interface elements and controllers, new Flash components, new ActionScript behaviorsAudio integration: synchronization, compression schemes, implementing interactive audioMedia integration: with Director, with CD-ROM content, with 3D animation, with full-motion and streaming video
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Flash Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools: Bhangal ~ Flash Hacks dives straight into all that's fun and creative about Flash, while presenting useful programming techniques and practical--although never mundane--hacks that can make your work easier.Geared to cover Flash MX, Flash MX 2004, and Flash MX Professional 2004, Flash Hacks begins with hacks on authoring, testing, and web environments .
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