Beschreibung The Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Classic 1937 Edition. "All investors, from beginners to old hands, should gain from the use of this guide, as I have."From the Introduction by Michael F. Price, president, Franklin Mutual Advisors, Inc.Benjamin Graham has been called the most important investment thinker of the twentieth century. As a master investor, pioneering stock analyst, and mentor to investment superstars, he has no peer. The volume you hold in your hands is Graham's timeless guide to interpreting and understanding financial statements. It has long been out of print, but now joins Graham's other masterpieces, The Intelligent Investor and Security Analysis, as the three priceless keys to understanding Graham and value investing. The advice he offers in this book is as useful and prescient today as it was sixty years ago. As he writes in the preface, "if you have precise information as to a company's present financial position and its past earnings record, you are better equipped to gauge its future possibilities. And this is the essential function and value of security analysis." Written just three years after his landmark Security Analysis, The Interpretation of Financial Statements gets to the heart of the master's ideas on value investing in astonishingly few pages. Readers will learn to analyze a company's balance sheets and income statements and arrive at a true understanding of its financial position and earnings record. Graham provides simple tests any reader can apply to determine the financial health and well-being of any company. This volume is an exact text replica of the first edition of The Interpretation of Financial Statements, published by Harper & Brothers in 1937. Graham's original language has been restored, and readers can be assured that every idea and technique presented here appears exactly as Graham intended. Highly practical and accessible, it is an essential guide for all business people--and makes the perfect companion volume to Graham's investment masterpiece The Intelligent Investor.
The Interpretation of Financial Statements ~ the present revised version of the original 1937 edition, an effort has been made to bring the treatment and illustrations up to date. Considerable use is made of the recently available composite Financial Reports of United States Manufacturing Corporations, published jointly by the Federal Trade Commission and the Securities & Exchange Commission. B.G. C. McG. New York City March, 1955 . THE .
The Interpretation of Financial Statements: Benjamin ~ The Interpretation of Financial Statements was originally published in 1937. This 122-page book focuses on the balance sheet and income statement. Graham also wrote Security Analysis, first published in 1934, and The Intelligent Investor, first published in 1949. There are a number of intangible assets on the balance sheet.
The Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Classic ~ In the investor lenses, "The interpretation of financial statements" gives valuable and practical lessons for those who want to perceive and understand how a company works in an accounting point of view. The content provided in the book is extremely practical and as helpful as it was in the '30s.
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CHAPTER 3 UNDERSTANDING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ~ The financial statement in which accountants summarize and report asset value is the balance sheet. To examine how asset value is measured, let us begin with the way assets are categorized in the balance sheet. First, there are the fixed assets , which include the long-term assets of the firm, such as plant, equipment, land and buildings. Next, we have the short-term assets of the firm .
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