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    Brooks, R: Financial Management: Core Concepts, Global Editi

    Beschreibung Brooks, R: Financial Management: Core Concepts, Global Editi. For courses in financial management. Using Tools, Making Connections, and Studying for Success in Finance Financial Management: Core Concepts is the ideal source material for non-finance majors seeking to learn the key elements of financial operations. The text focuses on the students' ability to understand complex financial concepts by centering its material around three major learning skills: using tools, making connections, and studying for success. Students are encouraged to start by mastering the major concepts of finance, and then to test their knowledge by forging connections between ideas and applying them to real world situations. The Third Edition contains the most up-to-date information in financial concepts, as well as enhanced and expanded versions of existing subject matter. Financial Management makes the topic of finance interesting and accessible to non-finance majors by relating it to their own personal expenditures and exploring the importance of this field across all disciplines. MyFinanceLab(R) is not included. Students, if MyFinanceLab is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. MyFinanceLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. MyFinanceLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment product designed to personalize learning and improve results. With a wide range of interactive, engaging, and assignable activities, students are encouraged to actively learn and retain tough course concepts.

    Buch Brooks, R: Financial Management: Core Concepts, Global Editi PDF ePub

    Brooks, R: Financial Management: Core Concepts, Global ~ Brooks, R: Financial Management: Core Concepts, Global Editi / Brooks, Raymond / ISBN: 9781292101422 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf .

    Brooks, Financial Management: Core Concepts, 4th Edition ~ He taught a variety of finance courses, including introduction to financial management, investments, advanced corporate finance, financial institutions, financial planning, and risk management. Previously, he taught at Washington University in St. Louis; the University of Southern Illinois, Edwardsville; and the University of Missouri, Columbia. Professor Brooks authored a variety of articles .

    Brooks, Financial Management: Core Concepts / Pearson ~ Financial Management: Core Conceptsis the ideal source material for non-finance majors seeking to learn the key elements of financial operations. The text focuses on the students’ ability to understand complex financial concepts by centering its material around three major learning skills: using tools, making connections, and studying for success. Students are encouraged to start by .

    Financial Management: Core Concepts (3rd Edition ~ Financial Management: Core Concepts is the ideal source material for non-finance readers seeking to learn the key elements of financial operations. The text focuses on the reader’s ability to understand complex financial concepts by centering its material around three major learning skills: using tools, making connections, and studying for success. Readers are encouraged to start by .

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