Beschreibung EPUB 3 Best Practices: Optimize Your Digital Books. Ready to take your ebooks to the next level with EPUB 3? This concise guide includes best practices and advice to help you navigate the format’s wide range of technologies and functionality. EPUB 3 is set to turn electronic publishing on its head with rich multimedia reading experiences and scripted interactivity, but this specification can be daunting to learn. This book provides you with a solid foundation.Written by people involved in the development of this specification, EPUB 3 Best Practices includes chapters that cover unique aspects of the EPUB publishing process, such as technology, content creation, and distribution.* Get a comprehensive survey of accessible production features* Learn new global language-support features, including right-to-left page progressions* Embed content with EPUB 3’s new multimedia elements* Make your content dynamic through scripting and interactive elements* Work with publication and distribution metadata* Create synchronized text and audio playback in reading systems* Learn techniques for fixed and adaptive layouts
EPUB 3 Best Practices: Optimize Your Digital Books 1st ~ "EPUB 3 Best Practices" is still one of the best resources available. The authors target the "ebook practitioner" (preface iX). But even if there are many code examples there is still something missing for the practical implementation: All explanations are on a general level as there are no tools provided to apply the knowledge directly in your own book project.
EPUB 3 Best Practices--New from O'Reilly Media: Optimize ~ EPUB 3 Best Practices--New from O'Reilly Media: Optimize Your Digital Books. Sebastopol, CA—Ready to take your ebooks to the next level with EPUB 3? This concise guide includes best practices and advice to help you navigate the format's wide range of technologies and functionality. EPUB 3 is set to turn electronic publishing on its head with rich multimedia reading experiences and scripted .
EPUB 3 Best Practices [Book] - O'Reilly Media ~ This book provides you with a solid foundation. Written by people involved in the development of this specification, EPUB 3 Best Practices includes chapters that cover unique aspects of the EPUB publishing process, such as technology, content creation, and distribution. Get a comprehensive survey of accessible production features
EPUB 3 Best Practices 1st edition / 9781449329143 ~ EPUB 3 Best Practices Optimize Your Digital Books 1st Edition by Matt Garrish; Markus Gylling and Publisher Tools of Change. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook .
: Customer reviews: EPUB 3 Best Practices ~ "EPUB 3 Best Practices" is still one of the best resources available. The authors target the "ebook practitioner" (preface iX). But even if there are many code examples there is still something missing for the practical implementation: All explanations are on a general level as there are no tools provided to apply the knowledge directly for your own book project.
Books by Matt Garrish on Google Play ~ EPUB 3 Best Practices: Optimize Your Digital Books. Matt Garrish. Ready to take your ebooks to the next level with EPUB 3? This concise guide includes best practices and advice to help you navigate the format’s wide range of technologies and functionality. EPUB 3 is set to turn electronic publishing on its head with rich multimedia reading experiences and scripted interactivity, but this .
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