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    Envisioning Holograms: Design Breakthrough Experiences for Mixed Reality

    Beschreibung Envisioning Holograms: Design Breakthrough Experiences for Mixed Reality. Tagline: Quickly conceptualize and rapidly prototype for HoloLens and the Windows Holographic platform

    Buch Envisioning Holograms: Design Breakthrough Experiences for Mixed Reality PDF ePub

    Envisioning Holograms: Design Breakthrough Experiences for ~ Mixed reality requires a different kind of design thinking for its unique challenges.Breakthrough holographic design starts with envisioning—the act of visualizing what could be. By rapidly depicting a desired experience and trying out its real-world interactions, you can quickly turn your initial vision into a tangible example of innovative design. Envisioning Holograms digs into why .

    Envisioning Holograms: Design Breakthrough Experiences for ~ Envisioning Holograms: Design Breakthrough Experiences for Mixed Reality / Pell, M. / ISBN: 9781484227480 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Envisioning Holograms / SpringerLink ~ Explore the approach, techniques, and mindshift needed to design truly breakthrough experiences for the Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Mixed Reality platform. Learn what’s so different about working with holograms, how to think spatially, and where to start designing your own holographic projects. You’ll move rapidly from initial concept to persuasive prototype—all without the need for .

    Envisioning Holograms: Design Breakthrough Experiences for ~ Explore the approach, techniques, and mindshift needed to design truly breakthrough experiences for the Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Mixed Reality platform. Learn what’s so different about working with holograms, how to think spatially, and where to start designing your own holographic projects. You’ll move rapidly from initial concept to persuasive prototype—all without the need for .

    Envisioning Holograms - Design Breakthrough Experiences ~ Design Breakthrough Experiences for Mixed Reality. Authors: Pell, Mike . award-winning creator of Mixed Reality experiences. "Envisioning Holograms is the perfect book for VR/AR/MR studios that are struggling with application design. It is filled with strategies to acquire ideas, develop and iterate through scenes, and find the best fit. I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to .

    Envisioning Holograms: Design Breakthrough Experiences for ~ Explore the approach, techniques, and mindshift needed to design truly breakthrough experiences for the Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Mixed Reality platform. Learn what’s so different about working with holograms, how 
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    Envisioning Holograms: Design Breakthrough Experiences for ~ Envisioning Holograms: Design Breakthrough Experiences for Mixed Reality - Kindle edition by M. Pell. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Envisioning Holograms: Design Breakthrough Experiences for Mixed Reality.

    Envisioning Holograms: Design Breakthrough Experiences for ~ Buy Envisioning Holograms: Design Breakthrough Experiences for Mixed Reality 1st ed. by Pell, M. (ISBN: 9781484227480) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.

    Envisioning Holograms: Design Breakthrough Experiences for ~ Envisioning Holograms is approachable to people just starting out, and also provides some excellent bits of insight to veterans that can help influence their creative process.” (Lucas Rizzotto, award-winning creator of Mixed Reality experiences) “Envisioning Holograms is the perfect book for VR/AR/MR studios that are struggling with .

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    WeiterfĂŒhrende Literatur – AR fĂŒr Lehrprojekte in der ~ Envisioning Holograms. Design Breakthrough Experiences for Mixed Reality. Das Buch von Mike Pell ist 2017 im Springer Science+Business Media-Verlag in New York (USA) erschienen. ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4842-2749-7. HoloLens Beginner’s Guide. Join the AR revolution with HoloLens. Das Buch von Jason M. Odom ist 2017 im Packt Publishing Verlag in Birmingham (UK) erschienen. ISBN-13: 978-1 .

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