Beschreibung Tax Strategies for the One-Person Business: 2017 / 2018. If you think that your present tax accountant (if you have one) is providing you with all of the tax planning advice you need, then you should think again. The typical tax preparer, and even the average CPA, lacks the graduate tax education and/or professional experience needed to advise you of all the tax-saving strategies available to the one-person business. Most tax preparers unfortunately spend their time just recording the past and filling out tax forms. You are therefore the person ultimately responsible for reducing your own tax burden. Here are just a few examples of how TAX STRATEGIES FOR THE ONE-PERSON BUSINESS (2017 / 2018) might help you save hundreds, if not thousands, of tax dollars each year: * Determine whether your business should incorporate, or if your LLC should make an election to be taxed as a regular C corporation or an S corporation. * Save self-employment tax (Social Security tax and Medicare tax), as well as Obamacare tax, by paying yourself a low but "reasonable" salary from your S Corporation. * Contribute up to 100% of your earnings, and/or your employee-spouse's earnings, to a one-person 401k plan. * Avoid making "quarterly" estimated tax payments, and incurring penalties, by having the "safe harbor" amount of taxes withheld from your yearly salary. * Consider a Section 444 fiscal year election to possibly defer taxes and improve personal tax planning.
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Tax and wealth planning for family and business: PwC ~ Download 2020 tax and wealth planning guide . The decision about how to incorporate as a business and thus pay income tax â as a pass-through on ownersâ personal returns or as a C corporation with a business return â isnât quite as clear cut. Tax reform in 2017 complicated the equation with one signature move to drop the statutory income tax rate for corporate entities to 21% .
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Taxation trends in the European Union / Taxation and ~ Labour taxes, increased slightly in 2018, up to 20.8% of GDP. Revenues from taxes on capital were at 8.2 % of GDP, a minor decrease compared to 2017. At European level, environmental tax revenues also showed a quite stable picture in 2018. However, at national level, it is possible to see some relevant changes over the last decade.
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From Strategy to Business Models and to Tactics ~ To integrate the concepts of strategy, business model, and tactics, we introduce the generic two-stage competitive process framework depicted in Figure 1. In the first stage, firms choose a âlogic of value creation and value captureâ (choose their business model). In the second stage, firms make tactical choices guided by their goals (in most cases, goals entail some form of stakeholder .
GovHK: Tax Reduction through Personal Assessment ~ For a year of assessment up to 2017/18, if you are married and are not living apart from your spouse, and both of you have income assessable to tax, election for personal assessment must be jointly made by you and your spouse. Separate taxation for a married couple is not applicable under personal assessment for a year of assessment up to 2017/18.
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Top 8 Retirement Income Strategies / The Motley Fool ~ The strategies listed here might not all appeal to you, but employing a few can help your retirement savings last a little longer. By taking some time to consider which ones make sense for you .