Beschreibung Fundamentals of Computer Graphics. With contributions by Michael Ashikhmin, Michael Gleicher, Naty Hoffman, Garrett Johnson, Tamara Munzner, Erik Reinhard, Kelvin Sung, William B. Thompson, Peter Willemsen, Brian Wyvill. The third edition of this widely adopted text gives students a comprehensive, fundamental introduction to computer graphics. The authors present the mathematical foundations of computer graphics with a focus on geometric intuition, allowing the programmer to understand and apply those foundations to the development of efficient code. New in this edition: Four new contributed chapters, written by experts in their fields: Implicit Modeling, Computer Graphics in Games, Color, Visualization, including information visualization Revised and updated material on the graphics pipeline, reflecting a modern viewpoint organized around programmable shading. Expanded treatment of viewing that improves clarity and consistency while unifying viewing in ray tracing and rasterization. Improved and expanded coverage of triangle meshes and mesh data structures. A new organization for the early chapters, which concentrates foundational material at the beginning to increase teaching flexibility.
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