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    Kaleidoscope: The Art of Illustrative Storytelling

    Beschreibung Kaleidoscope: The Art of Illustrative Storytelling. Similar to a kaleidoscope, a good story employs reflection on the different elements to create a narrative or pattern that is captivating to the reader. The pressure is that much more when the storyteller is a graphic artist and has a page or less in which to tell the tale with little or no words. The result relies heavily on the artists ability to turn the lens just right and capture the essentials of setting characterization, mood, detail, motion and more to convey the intended meaning. The artists utilize traditional illustration techniques along with embroidery, paper cutting, carving and collage to create pieces that standout for their low-tech charm. Derived from magazines, posters, books, blogs and personal projects, Kaleidoscope includes interviews with six talented and enthusiastic artists who are masters of the art of storytelling.

    Buch Kaleidoscope: The Art of Illustrative Storytelling PDF ePub

    Kaleidoscope: The Art of Illustrative Storytelling: ~ Kaleidoscope: The Art of Illustrative Storytelling: : Sandu Publications: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher

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    Kaleidoscope: The Art of Illustrative Storytelling by ~ Similar to a kaleidoscope, a good story employs reflection on the different elements to create a narrative or pattern that is captivating to the reader. The pressure is that much more when the storyteller is a graphic artist and has a page or less in which to tell the tale with little or no.

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