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    Fundamental Web Design and Development Skills (Tools of the Trade)

    Beschreibung Fundamental Web Design and Development Skills (Tools of the Trade). The world of web design is at a turning point, with great emphasis on Web Standards, designing for all browsers and platforms while still looking great and communicating your message. This is the first book for the beginner that covers all the modern methods of making web sites to get you ahead of the rest when looking for that job. The authors are all respected web design professionals, who write knowledgeably and comprehensively without all the intimidating jargon or assuming a degree in programming. What this book covers: The Web and How It Works Basic HTML Design and Process Advanced Markup: HTML, XML, and XHTML Creating Graphics for the Web Traditional Page Layout Techniques Navigation CSS: Modern Layout and Style Applying JavaScript in Your Pages An Introduction to Usability Standards Compliance Getting Your Site onto the Web Techniques for Site Maintenance and Administration Server-Side Scripting Where Do I Go from Here? From the Publisher This book is for anyone new to web design who wants to start down the path of a web professional career. No knowledge of HTML or any other web language is assumed.

    Buch Fundamental Web Design and Development Skills (Tools of the Trade) PDF ePub

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