Beschreibung Hollywood 2d Digital Animation: The New Flash Production Revolution. Complemented by full-color artwork and original animation from Hollywood's major studios, this detailed guide provides a step-by-step introduction to Flash animation techniques, focusing on the software's robust 2D animation capabilities, and includes dozens of helpful tips, suggestions, tricks, and techniques from veteran professional animators. Original. (Beginner)
Hollywood 2D Digital Animation: The New Flash Production ~ Hollywood 2D Digital Animation does a great job of breaking down the entire process of creating 2d animations with flash. The included flash movies and exercises within the cd makes for good supplemental material as well. Although, if there were more exercises and follow along tutorials I would have given this book a five star rating. The examples in the book are excellent and inspires the .
: Customer reviews: Hollywood 2D Digital ~ Hollywood 2D Digital Animation does a great job of breaking down the entire process of creating 2d animations with flash. The included flash movies and exercises within the cd makes for good supplemental material as well. Although, if there were more exercises and follow along tutorials I would have given this book a five star rating. The examples in the book are excellent and inspires the .
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