Beschreibung Starting Your Career as a Professional Blogger. With traffic to personal blogs and online journalism sites on the rise, there are more blogging opportunities than ever before. With the right approach, a blog can be an extra source of cash, or it can be a business unto itself yielding thousands of dollars a week, all earned on your own schedule, from the comfort of your home office, and writing about the topic of your choice. If that sounds too good to be true, this invaluable book will prove to you that it can be done. Unlike other guides, Starting Your Career as a Professional Blogger goes beyond the basics to show you how to earn a living while doing what you love. Experienced blogger Jacqueline Bodnar takes offers a comprehensive overview of the blogging world, presenting effective strategies for establishing a web presence and marketing your work. Topics include: Choosing a niche Knowing the advantages of different blogging platforms (WordPress, Tumblr, etc.) Setting up, maintaining, and monetizing your blogIncreasing traffic to your blog Finding your audience—and helping them find you Vlogging Promoting your blogNetworking with other bloggers Creating a podcast Synching your blog with your social networking accountsAnd more If you’ve ever wanted to write for a living, this book will help you achieve your dream, on your own terms. Welcome to the blogosphere!
Starting Your Career as a Professional Blogger ~ Starting Your Career as a Professional Blogger von Jacqueline Bodnar - Englische Bücher zum Genre Anwendungs-Software günstig & portofrei bestellen im Online Shop von Ex Libris.
Starting Your Career as a Professional Blogger - Kindle ~ Unlike other guides, Starting Your Career as a Professional Blogger goes beyond the basics to show you how to earn a living while doing what you love. Experienced blogger Jacqueline Bodnar takes offers a comprehensive overview of the blogging world, presenting effective strategies for establishing a web presence and marketing your work. Topics .
Starting Your Career as a Professional Blogger: Bodnar ~ Unlike other guides, Starting Your Career as a Professional Blogger goes beyond the basics to show you how to earn a living while doing what you love. Experienced blogger Jacqueline Bodnar takes offers a comprehensive overview of the blogging world, presenting effective strategies for establishing a web presence and marketing your work. Topics include:
Starting Your Career as a Professional Blogger eBook por ~ Lee "Starting Your Career as a Professional Blogger" por Jacqueline Bodnar disponible en Rakuten Kobo. With traffic to personal blogs and online journalism sites on the rise, there are more blogging opportunities than ever .
Starting Your Career As A Professional Blogger, Jacqueline ~ Compre o livro Starting Your Career As A Professional Blogger de Jacqueline Bodnar em portes grátis.
How To Become A Professional Blogger & Be Your Own Boss ~ I started blogging as a full-time career when I was a 22-year-old single man with no family responsibilities, so I was able to accept the risks involved. In a nutshell, when I started blogging, I was working part-time as a software engineer and looking forward to a new job with Accenture. Instead, in March of 2009, I left the security of that profession behind to become a professional blogger .
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