Beschreibung Vilarrubi, J: Life Drawing on the iPad. This practical guide shows artists how an Apple iPad and stylus can transform the way you paint and draw the human figure. As an accessible and convenient device, the iPad can stimulate the practical materials you know while discovering and exploring further possibilities to bring our subject and ideas to life. Combining the skills of rendering the human figure with the potential of the iPad, this book is a must-have for all artists new to this medium and all iPad owners keen to start painting the body.
Life Drawing on the iPad by Julian Vilarrubi, 9781785004179 ~ Life Drawing on the iPad By Julian Vilarrubi. ISBN: 9781785004179 PUBLISHED: 29/05/2018 PAGES: 128 BINDING: Paperback SIZE: 280x220 mm: INSIDE: 169 colour illustrations Artists have always looked for new ways of making images and today's technology offers a whole range of exciting possibilities. This practical book shows you how an Apple iPad and stylus can transform the way you paint and draw .
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