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    Tax Planning for Family and Owner-Managed Companies 2011/12

    Beschreibung Tax Planning for Family and Owner-Managed Companies 2011/12. This guide is designed to provide an invaluable source of money-saving advice for anyone who advises or runs a family or owner-managed company. It examines a wide variety of tax planning matters from the viewpoint of the company, its working and non-working shareholders and its employees.This fully updated new edition contains effective strategies for dealing with particular problems and opportunities for family and owner-managed companies, including: Extracting funds; Remuneration strategies; Benefits and expenses; Succession planning and passing on the company; Selling and winding up the company; Reorganising shares and trading activities (including share buybacks); Dividend strategies; Employee share schemes and pension scheme strategies.The 2011/12 edition of this essential book contains the very latest tax planning strategies and demonstrates how to keep tax liabilities to a minimum. It is fully updated to the latest Finance Act. Worked examples illustrate complex points throughout, and each chapter concludes with useful checklists of planning points referring to the tax position of different parties.

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    Rayney’s Tax Planning for Family and Owner-Managed ~ Rayney’s Tax Planning for Family and Owner-Managed Companies 2020/21 Dave Wright, Tax and Accountancy Publisher October 12, 2020 The 2020/21 edition of Rayney's Tax Planning for Family and Owner-Managed Companies is now live for subscribers to UK Tax. Users without a subscription are not able to see the full content. Please, subscribe or login to access all content. Archives Archives. 2020 .

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