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    Object Recognition: Fundamentals and Case Studies (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)

    Beschreibung Object Recognition: Fundamentals and Case Studies (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition). Automatie object recognition is a multidisciplinary research area using con­ cepts and tools from mathematics, computing, optics, psychology, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and various other disciplines. The purpose of this research is to provide a set of coherent paradigms and algorithms for the purpose of designing systems that will ultimately emulate the functions performed by the Human Visual System (HVS). Hence, such systems should have the ability to recognise objects in two or three dimensions independently of their positions, orientations or scales in the image. The HVS is employed for tens of thousands of recognition events each day, ranging from navigation (through the recognition of landmarks or signs), right through to communication (through the recognition of characters or people themselves). Hence, the motivations behind the construction of recognition systems, which have the ability to function in the real world, is unquestionable and would serve industrial (e.g. quality control), military (e.g. automatie target recognition) and community needs (e.g. aiding the visually impaired). Scope, Content and Organisation of this Book This book provides a comprehensive, yet readable foundation to the field of object recognition from which research may be initiated or guided. It repre­ sents the culmination of research topics that I have either covered personally or in conjunction with my PhD students. These areas include image acqui­ sition, 3-D object reconstruction, object modelling, and the matching of ob­ jects, all of which are essential in the construction of an object recognition system.

    Buch Object Recognition: Fundamentals and Case Studies (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) PDF ePub

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    THIS PAPER HAS BEEN ACCEPTED BY IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ~ As one of the fundamental computer vision problems, object detection is able to provide valuable information for semantic understanding of images and videos, and is related to many applications, including image classication [5], [6], human behavior analysis [7][S4], face recognition [8][S5] and autonomous driving [9], [10]. Meanwhile, Inheriting from neural networks and related learn-ing .

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    Computer Vision / Microsoft Azure ~ Run Computer Vision in the cloud or on-premises with containers. Apply it to diverse scenarios, like healthcare record image examination, text extraction of secure documents or analysis of how people move through a store, where data security and low latency are paramount. Learn about Computer Vision in containers

    Academia.edu - Share research ~ Join 143,759,416 Academics and Researchers. Academia is the easiest way to share papers with millions of people across the world for free. A study published in PLOS ONE found that papers uploaded to Academia receive a 69% boost in citations over 5 years.

    Computer vision research groups ~ Case studies Test datasets Our image file format HATE test harness. Information General links Conferences Mailing lists Research groups Societies. Techniques (CVonline) Software Image databases. Other stuff Linux on ThinkPad: This list encompasses both academic and industrial research groups working in computer vision and related areas. We believe it is the most comprehensive listing of this .

    List of datasets for machine-learning research - Wikipedia ~ These datasets are used for machine-learning research and have been cited in peer-reviewed academic journals. Datasets are an integral part of the field of machine learning. Major advances in this field can result from advances in learning algorithms (such as deep learning), computer hardware, and, less-intuitively, the availability of high-quality training datasets.

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    Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition authors/titles ~ Help / Advanced Search . Title: RelationNet++: Bridging Visual Representations for Object Detection via Transformer Decoder Authors: Cheng Chi, Fangyun Wei, Han Hu. Comments: NeurIPS2020 Spotlight Subjects: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV) arXiv:2010.15824 [pdf, other] Title: Passport-aware Normalization for Deep Model Protection Authors: Jie Zhang, Dongdong Chen, Jing Liao .

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