Beschreibung trueSpace 3 and 4 Creature Creations, w. CD-ROM. TrueSpace 3 is a 3D graphics program for animation, rendering, and modelling. Version 3 has several unique features including the PlastiForm and Live Skin tools. In this book, users familiar with the trueSpace basics will find a primer on the new feature and hands-on tutorials for modelling various types of creatures. The text provides a primer on features including Plastiform and Live Skin, and the basics on: tools, creature design elements and how to remove the "jointed" look from your models. It shows how to create, model, and animate your creatures, and explains surfacing techniques including colour, UV projection, texture maps, bump maps, and procedural textures.
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Moonman's trueSpace Resources - Mark Dowman ~ trueSpace 3 & 4 Creature Creations - Bill Fleming, D. Fleming, B. Dobbs (out of print) ISBN: 1-88680-180-0: Truespace F/X Creations - Nick Robalik (out of print) ISBN: 1-58450-012-3 : trueSpace3 for Dummies - E.W. Swan (out of print) ISBN 0-76450-169-0
Download Creatures 3 (Windows) - My Abandonware ~ I did install Creatures 3 first, then Docking Station, then patched supposedly successfully. Yet no offline button, and it of course tries to connect to the old Creatures Labs server which has been down for what, 20 years or so now? lol.. I can't remember if the patch actually added the button or if that was a fix someone else put out years ago. I know the last 2 or 3 times over probably 5 .
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3Dconnexion: 3Dx TrueSpace ~ Caligari trueSpace 7.6 is a fully-featured 3D authoring package that will let you model, texture, light, animate and render 3D content. This versatile software is now even easier and more fun to use with the addition of 3DxtrueSpace. 3DxtrueSpace allows fluid navigation of your trueSpace scenes.
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