Beschreibung Using a Company to Save Tax. Using a company could easily save you over 10,000 in tax every year...possibly over 40,000. Why? Firstly, UK corporation tax rates are much lower than income tax rates. Secondly, company owners can pay themselves dividends, which are taxed much less heavily than other forms of income. They can also split their income with their spouse or partner which often produces a lower tax bill. Finally, as a company owner, you have complete control over how much income you withdraw in total. This gives you significant control over your personal tax bill, allowing you to avoid the extortionate tax rates that kick in when income exceeds 41,865, 50,000, 100,000 or 150,000. Sole traders cannot control their income tax bills in this way. This plain English tax guide tells you everything you need to know about the tax benefits of running your business through a company and contains numerous examples and tax-planning tips.
Using a Company to Save Tax - SeattleClouds ~ Using a Company to Save Tax (Sample) Lee Hadnum DISCLAIMER 1. This publication is intended as general guidance only and does NOT constitute accountancy, tax, financial or other professional advice. The author makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and cannot accept any responsibility for any liability, loss or .
Using a Company to Save Tax: : Hadnum, Lee ~ Using a Company to Save Tax has just been updated for the 2011/12 tax year and is completely up to date. A limited company could save you tens of thousands of pounds in tax and national insurance. This book tells you everything you need to know about using a company to shelter your hard-earned money from the taxman. The author, Lee Hadnum LLB ACA CTA is a rarity among tax advisers, having both .
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6 Effective Ways to Save on Corporation Tax / RS Accountancy ~ 6 Simple But Effective Ways to Save on Corporation Tax Author: Russell Smith November 15, 2015. Running a limited company? Let our accountants in Leeds help you save on your corporation tax. It is widely accepted among those in the finance industry, including our accountants in Leeds, that it is easier to save on income tax than corporation tax .
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Tax saving tips for limited company owners - Company Bug ~ Your company can invest pre-tax income into the pension, saving you a considerable sum compared to investing post-tax income in a personal pension. Talk to an Independent Financial Adviser for more information. Try our money saving tips for limited companies for more ideas on how to make your business more lean and efficient.
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