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    Digital Painting Techniques: Volume 5 (Digital Painting Techniques, 5, Band 5)

    Beschreibung Digital Painting Techniques: Volume 5 (Digital Painting Techniques, 5, Band 5). Celebrating its fifth year, Digital Painting Techniques: Volume 5 continues to present the latest digital painting trends and techniques, courtesy of experts including Brian Sum (Mass Effect series) and Levi Hopkins (Guild Wars series). This year's volume features such topics as weapon design, cartoon characters, painting materials, and battle scenes, and is a worthy addition to this groundbreaking series.Brian Sum is a concept artist and video games developer for BioWare and his credits include the award-winning Mass Effect series.Levi Hopkins is a versatile artist who has worked in a variety of different positions on the best-selling Guild Wars series.

    Buch Digital Painting Techniques: Volume 5 (Digital Painting Techniques, 5, Band 5) PDF ePub

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