Beschreibung Introduction to European Tax Law on Direct Taxation: Sixth Edition. This handbook is a concise guide for all those who aim at obtaining a basic knowledge of European tax law. Designed for students, it should be useful as well for experienced international tax specialists with little knowledge of European law and non-Europeans who deal with Europe for business or academic reasons and need to understand the foundations of European tax law. The fourth edition contains changes that include: an enhanced analysis of the implications of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights for direct taxes, a new chapter on European tax coordination, a focused analysis of the implications of BEPS and tax transparency for EU tax law, and a stronger emphasis of developments in the field of State aids.
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Taxation / European Union ~ The EU does not have a direct role in collecting taxes or setting tax rates. The amount of tax each citizen pays is decided by their national government, along with how the collected taxes are spent. The EU does however, oversee national tax rules in some areas; particularly in relation to EU business and consumer policies, to ensure:
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Import into the EU / European Commission ~ Home - European Commission. en English. Search. Search this website. Search. You are here: Home; Business, Economy, Euro; Trade with non-EU countries; Import into the EU; Import into the EU . Rules and procedures on importing products into the EU, tariff information, information on customs duties, requirements for live animal and fish imports. Page Contents. Import, customs and tariff rules .
Introduction to the Law of Double Taxation Conventions 2nd ~ Introduction to the Law of Double Taxation Conventions 2nd edition. This book provides an introduction to the law of double taxation conventions. Although principally aimed at students, the book will be of value to tax experts as well as international law experts. eBook: ePub; Online book; Special Offer; tab_0 . Title: Introduction to the Law of Double Tax Conventions. Author(s): Michael Lang .