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    Introduction to German Tax Law

    Beschreibung Introduction to German Tax Law. The Basics of German Tax Law This book presents straightforward information and vocabulary, along with access to a brief explication of the tax system and its principles. Here the principles of German tax law and the main forms of German taxes can be found. Focus is placed on German personal income tax and corporate income tax. The distinctive German trade tax is also touched on. Further attention is given to anti-avoidance measures, real estate (transfer) tax, value added tax (VAT), inheritance and gift tax and procedural aspects of these. Useful glossaries detail the most important terms.   For Tax Professionals and Students The authors have recognized the need to produce an introductory guide to German tax law. This book is written for non-german colleagues from abroad, for German colleagues who strive to improve their English skills while dealing with tax law, and for all students and professionals who have been looking for a lucid path into German tax law.   Die Grundlagen des deutschen Steuerrechts Das Buch stellt Informationen und Vokabular überschaubar dar. Es bietet eine kurze Erklärung des Steuersystems und seiner Grundlagen und erläutert die wichtigsten deutschen Steuerarten. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der deutschen privaten und körperschaftlichen Einkommensteuer. Die Besonderheit der deutschen Gewerbesteuer wird ebenfalls angeschnitten. Das weitere Augenmerk richtet sich auf Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von Steuerhinterziehung, die Grunderwerbsteuer, die Mehrwertsteuer (MwSt.), die Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuer sowie auf verfahrensrechtliche Aspekte. Nützliche Glossare führen die wichtigsten Begriffe einzeln auf, sowohl als englisch-deutsche Variante als auch als deutsch-englische Variante.   Für Steuerberater und Studenten Die Einführung ins deutsche Steuerrecht richtet sich an Steuerrechtler im Ausland, die kein Deutsch sprechen. Sie hilft auch Steuerrechtsexperten und Studenten im Inland, ihre Englischkenntnisse zu verbessern, während sie sich mit Steuerrecht befassen.

    Buch Introduction to German Tax Law PDF ePub

    Introduction to German Tax Law: : Jochum, Heike ~ This book is written for non-german colleagues from abroad, for German colleagues who strive to improve their English skills while dealing with tax law, and for all students and professionals who have been looking for a lucid path into German tax law. This book presents straightforward information and vocabulary, along with access to a brief explication of the tax system and its principles. Here the principles of German tax law and the main forms of German taxes can be found. Focus is placed .

    Introduction to German Tax Law / Gesamtdarstellung ~ Jochum/Thiele - Introduction to German Tax Law The authors have recognized the need to produce an introductory guide to German tax law. This book is written for non-german colleagues from abroad, for German colleagues who strive to improve their English skills while dealing with tax law, and for all students and professionals who have been looking for a lucid path into German tax law. This book presents straightforward information and vocabulary, along with access to a brief explication of .

    Tax Law in Germany: : Haase, Florian, Steierberg ~ Tax Law in Germany / Haase, Florian, Steierberg, Daniela / ISBN: 9783406687389 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Buchhandlung ~ Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu.

    Tax Law in Germany von Florian Haase; Daniela Steierberg ~ Tax Law in Germany. Gebundenes Buch. Jetzt bewerten Jetzt bewerten. Merkliste; Auf die Merkliste; Bewerten Bewerten; Teilen Produkt teilen Produkterinnerung Produkterinnerung Das Werk erläutert die Grundzüge des deutschen Steuerrechts in englischer Sprache. Der Schwerpunkt des Buches liegt auf der Darstellung der Besteuerungskonsequenzen für ausländische Investoren bei Investitionen im .

    Germany’s tax treatment of cross border royalty payments ~ Introduction. According to German tax law individuals who have neither residency nor their usual abode in Germany and legal entities which are not effectively managed or resident are liable to tax in Germany only with income generated from certain types of business transaction as listed in section 49 Income Tax Code (ITC). In cross border cases it is therefore in a first step always necessary .

    GERMANY’S TAX LAWS IN A NUTSHELL / BERLIN tax & legal ~ Freelancers in Germany will start to pay incometax once the first annual income tax declaration has been filed and processed by the local tax office. The Finanzamt will estimate your tax for the current year and assess quarterly prepayments (Vorauszahlungen) of a quarter of the tax on March 10, June 10, September 10 and December 10. The total tax liability is determined by filing an income tax .

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    German tax system & Taxes in Germany - IamExpat ~ Whether you’re a German citizen or an expat, you are required by law to pay taxes if you earn money while living or working in Germany.. Taxes are levied by the federal government (Bundesregierung), federal states (Bundesländer) and municipalities (Gemeinden).Tax administration is shared between two taxation authorities: the Federal Central Tax Office (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern) and the .

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    Introduction to Austrian Tax Law - Kurt Ubelhoer - online ~ This introduction to the Austrian tax system focuses on personal income tax, corporate income tax, VAT and Austrian procedural law. Updated with the current legislative changes and divided into ten modules, this book is designed to provide a first look at the legal principles guiding these codes, how the taxes are assessed and levied, and the mechanisms for legal recourse. Each chapter .

    Australian Taxation Law 2020 ebook ~ Celebrating the publication of its 30th edition, Australian Taxation Law 2020 comprehensively examines the fundamental taxation legislation that underpins the Australian tax system.It focuses on the core areas of income tax, CGT, corporate tax, FBT, GST, superannuation and state taxes (state land tax, payroll tax and stamp duties).

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    A Practical Introduction to Australian Taxation Law 2020 ~ A Practical Introduction to Australian Taxation Law 2020 is a highly accessible and straightforward guide to understanding Income Taxation in Australia and how it applies to a wide variety of business and financial activities.. This text is structured around 9 topic areas with succinct notes combined with practical examples, followed by questions at the end of each topic.