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    Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design

    Beschreibung Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design. 'Making Africa' takes a fresh look at African design. For the first time, we have a book that focuses on creative accomplishments on the continent, without being obsessed with the usual tropes of recycling, humanitarian design or traditional crafts. Instead, 'Making Africa' shows a new generation of designers who use their work as a tool for economic, political and social change and therefore also to create a new future for the continent. Their creative output defies all definitions of genres – crossing over classical fields such as furniture design, product design and typography to encompass digital media, art, photography, architecture and film. A large section of the catalogue is dedicated to documenting work by over 120 protagonists of Africa’s new creative epoch – including Cyrus Kabiru, Cheick Diallo, Mário Macilau, Francis Kéré, David Adjaye, Kunlé Adeyemi, Bodys Isek Kingelez, Robin Rhode, Alaforu Sikoki, Selly Raby Kan and many more. The historical and theoretical background is explored in essays and discussions with Okwui Enwezor, Koyo Kouoh, Edgar Pieterse and Amelie Klein, among others. These are complemented by statements from around 70 other experts from Africa, who met at interviews and think tanks in cities such as Cape Town, Johannesburg, Lagos, Dakar, Nairobi and Cairo. This is a book about the future of Africa and about a new, more open way of understanding design – which means it is also a book about what design can achieve in the 21st century.

    Buch Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design PDF ePub

    Vitra Design Museum Shop / Making Africa - A Continent of ~ Making Africa - A Continent of Contemporary Design - »Die Zukunft gehört Afrika, denn überall sonst hat sie scheinbar schon stattgefunden.« Okwui Enwezor »Making Africa« wirft einen völlig neuen Blick

    Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design 2015-06 ~ Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design (2015-06-23) / Unknown / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Download Free: Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary ~ Read or Download Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design Book by . It is one of the best seller books in this month. Avaliable format in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, KINDLE, E-BOOK and AUDIOBOOK. Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design by . Book Detail: Category: Book Binding: Paperback Author: Number of Pages: Price : $54.87 Lowest Price : Total Offers : Rating: 5.0 Total .

    Making Africa ~ Making Africa. A Continent of Contemporary Design. Vitra Design Museum. Twitter; Facebook; Vimeo; Instagram; About the Exhibition; News & Insights; Interviews & Videos; Objects & Artists; Info; Featured workRobin Rhode: Arm Chair, Piano Chair, Military Chair. Featured workDrum: Africa’s Leading Magazine. Featured workIan Berry: Cape Town Moffie Drag. Featured workOvation. Featured .

    Making Africa / Exhibitions / CCCB ~ "Making Africa" exhibits the projects of artists and designers originating from and often working in Africa who are addressing a global audience and providing the world with a new perspective of their continent. They often work in various disciplines simultaneously and break with the conventional definitions of design, art, photography, architecture and film.

    Making Africa – A Continent of Contemporary Design ~ It’s time to move on from talk of the »Dark Continent«. A major exhibition by the Vitra Design Museum in spring 2015 sheds new light on contemporary design in Africa. On the basis of a wide variety of examples, »Making Africa« shows how design is accompanying – and even promoting – economic and p

    Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design – High ~ Making Africa focuses on a generation of entrepreneurs, thinkers, and designers from and within Africa who address a global audience and provide the world with a new vantage point on their continent. The exhibition also illustrates how the artists use their work to effect significant economic, social, and political change.

    Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design - Austin ~ Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design showcases the work of over 120 artists and designers and illustrates how African design accompanies and fuels economic, social, and political change in the continent.Through sculpture, prints, fashion, furniture, film, photography, apps, maps, digital comics, and more, the exhibition presents Africa as a hub of experimentation that generates .

    Exhibition – Making Africa ~ With “Making Africa – A Continent of Contemporary Design”, the Vitra Design Museum sheds new light on contemporary African design. Showcasing the work of over 120 artists and designers, the exhibition illustrates how design accompanies and fuels economic and political change on the continent. Africa is presented as a hub of experimentation generating new approaches and solutions of .

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    Making Africa - design-museum ~ A Continent of Contemporary Design 14.03. – 13.09.2015 Vitra Design Museum In einer großen Ausstellung rückt das Vitra Design Museum ab März 2015 das zeitgenössische afrikanische Design in ein neues Licht. »Making Africa – A Continent of Contemporary Design« zeigt anhand der Arbeiten von über 120 Künstlern und Designern, wie Design die wirtschaftlichen und politischen .

    www.thenewsmarket ~ Object Moved This document may be found here

    events.ajc ~ BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:proid X-WR-CALNAME:Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design at High Museum of Art, 1280 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA X-WR-CALDESC:Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design at High Museum of Art, 1280 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20171221T150000Z UID:making-africa-a-continent .

    events.ajc ~ BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:proid X-WR-CALNAME:Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design at High Museum of Art, 1280 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA X-WR-CALDESC:Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design at High Museum of Art, 1280 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20171128T150000Z UID:making-africa-a-continent .

    events.ajc ~ BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:proid X-WR-CALNAME:Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design at High Museum of Art, 1280 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA X-WR-CALDESC:Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design at High Museum of Art, 1280 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20171031T140000Z UID:making-africa-a-continent .

    events.ajc ~ BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:proid X-WR-CALNAME:Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design at High Museum of Art, 1280 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA X-WR-CALDESC:Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design at High Museum of Art, 1280 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20171018T140000Z UID:making-africa-a-continent .

    events.ajc ~ BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:proid X-WR-CALNAME:Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design at High Museum of Art, 1280 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA X-WR-CALDESC:Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design at High Museum of Art, 1280 Peachtree St., Atlanta, GA X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20171224T150000Z UID:making-africa-a-continent .

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    Making Africa - Vitra Design Museum ~ Showcasing the work of over 120 artists and designers, »Making Africa – A Continent of Contemporary Design« illustrates how design accompanies and fuels economic and political changes on the continent. Africa is presented as a hub of experimentation generating new approaches and solutions of worldwide relevance – and as a driving force for a new discussion of the potential of design in the twenty-first century.

    Attendees / Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary ~ Attendees of Making Africa: A Continent of Contemporary Design (Not A Sage Abq event) on Wednesday, March 28, 2018 in Albuquerque, NM. A Meetup event from SAGE ABQ Meetup, a meetup with over 394 Membe

    Informationen ~ Home Stories. 100 Jahre, 20 visionäre Interieurs. 08.02.2020 – 28.02.2021 Vitra Design Museum Gae Aulenti. Ein kreatives Universum. 29.02.2020 – 18.04.2021

    Aktuelle Ausstellungen - Vitra Design Museum ~ Vitra Design Museum + Vitra Schaudepot 17,00 € / 15,00 €* Vitra Design Museum 11,00 € / 9,00 €* Vitra Schaudepot 8,00 € / 6,00 €* Architekturführung 2h 14,00 € / 10,00 €* Führungen 1h (Ausstellung, Produktion oder Blick hinter die Kulissen) 7,00 € / 5,00 €* *Ermäßigungen: Jugendliche ab 12, Studenten, Senioren, Menschen mit Behinderung, Gruppen ab 10 Personen .

    Bücher online kaufen / Thalia ~ Alle Bücher sind bei Thalia versandkostenfrei sind und können, wenn sie lieferbar sind, direkt online bestellt oder in die Filiale geliefert werden. Ist ein Buch nicht lieferbar, finden Sie eine Angabe mit voraussichtlichem Termin, wann es versandfertig sein wird. Sollte ein Buch noch nicht auf dem Markt sein, bestellen Sie es bei uns vor und es wird am Erscheinungstag an Ihre Wunschadresse .

    Africa / United Nations ~ The continent's economy grew by roughly 3.4 percent in 2017, creating one of the longest stretches of uninterrupted positive economic expansion in Africa's history.

    10 Contemporary African Artists You Should Know ~ Africa’s contemporary art scene is characterized by a dynamic list of exceptional artists whose aesthetic innovation and conceptual profundity has paved the way for the next generation. Using their creations to interpret and portray Africa’s socio-economic realities, political challenges, rich traditions, and diverse beauty, these leading and emerging artists continue to influence the .