Beschreibung Brötzmann Graphic Works 1969-2016. Brötzmann has always created and still creates the covers of his recordings himself – sometimes also for other musician colleagues – and in the past also often the posters for various FMP projects (Workshop Freie Musik in the Academy of Arts or Total Music Meeting in the Quartier Latin, later in Podewil).Looking at his early posters and record covers it’s striking how fully formed his visual sense was from the very beginning. He had a background from both advertising and Fluxus art and built upon that. Just like his playing, he knew what he wanted to say with his graphic design. The music and visuals were coming from the same place. And there’s no question who it’s coming from. When you see a design by Peter there is little doubt who made it. His work has such a strong character that when we try to copy the style (and many have) it’s obvious who we’re stealing from – so we fail. (Lasse Marhaug)In his graphic endeavors, Brötzmann has in fact made a body of work consistent with his music and his art, an oeuvre that undermines the presumption that design is inherently rigid. More than just the decoration of information, Brötzmann’s five decades of design bear witness to a sophisticated, delicate, and earthy sensibility, along with a dogged sense of internal logic. His record covers and posters are passionate and thoughtful, playful and brutal, basic and human. (John Corbett)
Brötzmann Graphic Works 1969-2016 von Peter Brötzmann ~ Brötzmann Graphic Works 1969-2016 von Peter Brötzmann (ISBN 978-3-95593-075-2) bestellen. Schnelle Lieferung, auch auf Rechnung - lehmanns
Brötzmann Graphic Works 1969-2016: : Brötzmann ~ Brötzmann Graphic Works 1969-2016 / Brötzmann, Peter / ISBN: 9783955930752 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Brötzmann Graphic Works 1969-2016 Buch versandkostenfrei ~ Bücher Online Shop: Brötzmann Graphic Works 1969-2016 von Peter Brötzmann hier bei bestellen und von der Gratis-Lieferung profitieren. Jetzt kaufen!
Brötzmann: Graphic Works 1959–2016 - Bücher zur Musik ~ Brötzmann: Graphic Works 1959–2016. With contributions by Lasse Marhaug, John Corbett, Gérard Rouy, David Keenan, Karl Lippegaus, and Jost Gebers This catalog with about 260 works is published to the exhibition at the Bimhuis, Amsterdam, Sept. 2016. 368 pages, soft cover. Brötzmann has always created and still creates the covers of his recordings himself – sometimes also for other .
Brötzmann, Graphic Works 1959-2016 - Wolke Verlag ~ Digitale Bücher. Titelübersicht Brötzmann Graphic Works 1959-2016. With contributions by Lasse Marhaug, John Corbett, Gérard Rouy, David Keenan, Karl Lippegaus, and Jost Gebers . Brötzmann has always created and still creates the covers of his recordings himself – sometimes also for other musician colleagues – and in the past also often the posters for various FMP projects (Workshop .
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Peter Brötzmann – Wikipedia ~ Peter Brötzmann (* 6. März 1941 in Remscheid, Deutschland) ist ein deutscher Jazzmusiker, der großen Einfluss auf den europäischen Free Jazz hat. „Von allen Jazzinnovatoren ist er derjenige, der am radikalsten mit allen Traditionen gebrochen hat – nicht nur des Jazz, sondern des Musizierens überhaupt.“ Er ist – aus der Fluxusbewegung kommend – ein experimentierfreudiger .
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Brötzmann plus… / Akademie der Künste, Berlin ~ Brötzmann, along with von Schlippenbach, has shaped the history of international improvised music like no other. Two of Peter Brötzmann's oldest companions, Andrew Cyrille (drums) from New York and Han Bennink (drums) from Amsterdam, will also be thereboth evenings. Bennink was already on the first FMP record, European Echoes, and formed the first important Brötzmann trio together with Fred .
FREE MUSIC PRODUCTION (FMP) - The History ~ FMP 0800 Kellers/Brötzmann. FMP 0840/50 Opened, But Hardly Touched. FMP 0940 The Family. FMP 1000 Andrew Cyrille Meets Peter Brötzmann in Berlin. FMP 1030 Alarm. FMP 1050 Pica-Pica. FMP 1060 14 Love Poems. FMP 1120 Berlin Djungle. FMP 1150 Go-No-Go. FMP 1250 In a State of Undress. FMP 1260 Duos Europa . FMP S 1/2 Free Jazz und Kinder. FMP S 3 .
Brötzmann plus… / Akademie der Künste, Berlin ~ Brötzmann, along with von Schlippenbach, has shaped the history of international improvised music like no other. One of Peter Brötzmann's oldest companions, Han Bennink (drums) from Amsterdam, will also be there both evenings. Bennink was already on the first FMP record, European Echoes, and formed the first important Brötzmann trio together with Fred Van Hove. Since the early 1980s .
Brötzmann - Wikipedia ~ Brötzmann is a German surname. Notable people with the surname include: Caspar Brötzmann (born 1962), German electric guitarist; Peter Brötzmann (born 1941), German saxophonist and clarinetist; Thorsten Brötzmann, German record producer, arranger and composer
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