Beschreibung China Master Tax Guide 2012/13. The past year has seen scores of changes, large and small, in the law of China taxation. And, like every other year in the last decade, CCH's always-welcome China Master Tax Guide has them all covered. Providing an overview of the Enterprise Income Tax Law and other tax laws, their application, and the changes - effective, pending, and proposed - that have arisen during 2011/2012, this 10th Edition has all the clear, easy-to-use guidance you'll need on new tax treatment in nearly every realm of tax practice, including: VAT reform pilot program in Shanghai; preferential policies for software and integrated circuit producing enterprises, high and new technology enterprises and enterprises established in the Western region; latest update on advance pricing agreements statistics; new social security law; advance ruling for customs valuation; and numerous revisions in specific areas such as VAT incentives, stamp duty exemption, self-reporting procedures for individual taxpayers, calculation of tax on bonuses, tax rates and range of applicable taxable income for wages and salaries, settlement of tax by employer, valuation of fixed assets, and much more. With its hallmark step-by-step guidance and graphic treatment of procedural detail, CCH's China Master Tax Guide 2012/13 lays out the latest law of China taxation in transparent, non-academic English. The Guide is expertly authored and updated by the professionals at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, who use their on-the-ground experience to make the book truly useful for day-to-day work.
China Master Tax Guide 2012/13: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu ~ With its hallmark step-by-step guidance and graphic treatment of procedural detail, CCH's China Master Tax Guide 2012/13 lays out the latest law of China taxation in transparent, non-academic English. The Guide is expertly authored and updated by the professionals at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, who use their on-the-ground experience to make the book truly useful for day-to-day work.
China - BĂŒcher zum Thema Steuern â Steuern-Buecher ~ Context: China Briefing, The Practical Application of China Business, is a series of small booklets, which give an overview about specific tax issues in China. The writers are China-based accountants ⊠[Weiterlesen.] Infos zum Plugin Recencion â The China Tax Guide
: China Master Tax Guide (9789041132307): CCH ~ China can seem complex for market entrants; but now itâs easy to be sure-footed. CCHâs China Master Tax Guide 2007/08 â with its unbeatable combination of up-to-date, step-by-step guidance and crystal-clear graphic treatment of procedural detail â lays out the law of China taxation in clear, non-academic English, making it the fastest, easiest way for practitioners to ensure the .
Rödl & Partner / China: Steuerliche Rahmenbedingungen ~ Die wichtigsten Steuerarten in der VR China sind: â Ertragsteuern: Private Einkommensteuer (âIndividual Income Tax â IITâ), Körperschaftsteuer (âCorporate Income Tax â CITâ) â Verkehrssteuern: Umsatzsteuer (âValue Added Tax â VATâ), Verbrauchsteuer (âConsumption Tax â CTâ) â Eigentumssteuern: Stempelsteuer, Urkundensteuer, Land VAT, Grundsteuer â ZollgebĂŒhren .
Practical Guide to - AHK Greater China ~ to guide the behavior and enhance compliance of all market participants in the country. Following local test phases, China intends to implement the so-called "Social Credit System" (SCS) nationwide, scheduled by the end of 2020. Companies (domestic and foreign) located in China will have to adapt to new regulatory
China Master Tax Guide 2016/17 (13th Edition) - Accounting ~ China Master Tax Guide has always enjoyed a reputation for being the indispensable handbook for more than a decade. In keeping with tradition, this latest edition of the Guide provides an overview of the current system, Enterprise Income Tax Law and other tax laws, their application and the changes â effective, pending, and proposed â that have arisen during the captioned period.
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China Master Tax Guide: CCH Asia Tax Law Editors ~ The 2006/2007 China Master Tax Guide is an indispensable guide to companies that have business dealings in China. It offers an overview of the current China tax system and up-to-date concepts governing taxation of companies, businesses and individuals in China. The Guide explores the full spectrum of taxation issues, including procedure matters such as assessment and payment. It examines .
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China Master Tax Guide 2011/12: Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu ~ China Master Tax Guide 2011/12 9th Edition The annually published China Master Tax Guide provides an overview of the current system and covers the China Enterprise Income Tax Law of 2008 and other tax laws, their application and the changes - effective, pending and proposed - that have arisen during 2010/2011. This 9th Edition provides clear, easy-to-use guidance on new tax treatment in such .
Master Steuerrecht berufsbegleitend: Tax Law LL.M. ~ Die Professional School der Leuphana UniversitĂ€t LĂŒneburg bietet deshalb in Kooperation mit den SteuerlehrgĂ€ngen Dr. Bannas den interdisziplinĂ€ren und praxisorientierten Master Tax Law - Steuerrecht (LL.M.) an, der Sie berufsbegleitend in nur fĂŒnf Semestern im nationalen Steuerrecht weiterbildet und zielgerichtet auf die SteuerberaterprĂŒfung vorbereitet.
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China Master Tax Guide (Master Tax Guides): ~ China can seem complex for market entrants; but now it's easy to be sure-footed. CCH's "China Master Tax Guide 2007/08", with its unbeatable combination of up-to-date, step-by-step guidance and crystal-clear graphic treatment of procedural detail, lays out the law of China taxation in clear, non-academic English, making it the fastest, easiest way for practitioners to ensure the speediest .
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China Tax Guide 2016/2017 - PKF International ~ The China PKF Tax Guide 2016/2017 provides details about tax within China and contact details for local tax specialists in local PKF firms who will be able to provide taxation advice to help your business. This tax guide includes information about: Land value appreciation tax (LVAT) in China; Amortisation of intangible assets; For information about taxation in other countries please view all .
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