Beschreibung Adobe Photoshop CS3: Up to Speed (English Edition). We’ve received some complaints about the binding of this book, Adobe Photoshop CS3: Up to Speed, falling apart and investigated the issue with our printer. We’ve inspected the remaining inventory in our warehouse and as far as we can determine the bindings are fine. If you have a defective copy please contact us at: and choose “defective” from the drop down menu. We would be happy to send you a replacement copy if the binding of the book you purchased is no longer intact. - Glenn Bisignani, Product Marketing Manager This must-have guide goes right to the heart of Photoshop CS3--what has changed, what is new, and how you can get the most out of the features as quickly as possible. Rather than sift through hundreds of pages detailing every last Photoshop feature and function (both old and new), you can go directly to the new features that interest you the most and get the explanations you desire in the classic Ben Willmore style--intuitive, crystal clear, and in-depth. By focusing on a single topic--what's new in this version--the award-winning author provides precisely what experienced Photoshop users have been clamoring for, in exactly the depth they demand. After reading this book--even if you've been using CS3 for a while--don't be surprised to hear yourself say, 'I didn't know CS3 did that!' In addition to learning the new features in no time flat, a welcome side effect of learning from Ben is that you can expect to become a better, faster and more efficient Photoshop user.
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Real World Adobe Photoshop CS3: Industrial-Strength ~ Real World Adobe Photoshop CS3 (English Edition) . You need to get up to speed on it, and you need to do so now. This book will get you there. In this copiously illustrated book, best-selling author David Blatner offers shows you how to sharpen your Photoshop production techniques and provides clear explanations of the concepts that drive them. Readers will learn about managing color .
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