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    The Star Principle: How it can make you rich (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Star Principle: How it can make you rich (English Edition). Richard Koch has made over £100 million from spotting 'Star' businesses. In his new book, he shares the secrets of his success - and shows how you too can identify and enrich yourself from 'Stars'. Star businesses are ventures operating in a high-growth sector - and are the leaders in their niche of the market. Stars are rare. But with the help of this book and a little patience, you can find one, or create one yourself.THE STAR PRINCIPLE is a vital book for any budding entrepreneur or investor (of grand or modest means). It is also invaluable for any ambitious employee who realises the benefits of working for a Star venture - real responsibility, fast personal development, better pay, great bonuses and valuable share options.Whoever your are, identifying and investing in Stars will make your life much sweeter and richer in every way.

    Buch The Star Principle: How it can make you rich (English Edition) PDF ePub

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