Beschreibung Essential SharePoint 2010: Overview, Governance, and Planning (Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology) (English Edition). The Only Book Thatâs Completely Focused on Maximizing the Business Value of SharePoint 2010 Solutions Essential SharePointÂź 2010 approaches Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 from a strict business value perspective, explaining exactly how to plan and implement SharePoint solutions to achieve superior business results. The authors are leading enterprise SharePoint consultants and draw on their unsurpassed experience to focus on the SharePoint features that offer the most real-world value. Youâll find practical advice about how to succeed with knowledge management, business intelligence, and process improvement, and how to derive value from new innovations such as social tagging and mashups. The book includes comprehensive, âin the trenchesâ guidance on planning, architecture, governance, training, and other key issues most SharePoint books ignore. The authors identify success factors, intangibles, and âgotchas,â helping you systematically reduce project risk and time-to-value ratio. Learn how to Customize your best portal or collaboration strategy Sustain a portal for continual, measurable value Leverage the new community and social features in SharePoint 2010 Succeed with enterprise content management Streamline business processes with Workflow and Forms Choose the right roles for Web collaboration, search, and Microsoft Office Plan for secure external collaboration Migrate smoothly from SharePoint 2007 Train and communicate for a successful launch Whether youâre a business leader, IT manager, architect, analyst, developer, or consultant, this book will help you tightly align SharePoint projects with business strategy to deliver outstanding results.
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