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    Real World QuarkXPress 7: For Macintosh and Windows (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Real World QuarkXPress 7: For Macintosh and Windows (English Edition). Real World QuarkXPress is the world's best-selling reference on QuarkXPress. At many design firms and schools it’s considered required reading. With its friendly, easy-to-read style, you’ll learn QuarkXPress from the bottom up as a beginner. If you’ve had some experience with QuarkXPress, this book will help you sharpen your skills with all the new features of version 7. And if you’re an advanced user, all the tips, tricks, and techniques will turn you into a raging, inexorable QuarkXPress demon. In this book, you'll learn how to: Speed up just about every task with the new Measurements palette Apply sophisticated drop shadows to text, images, boxes, and more Experiment with transparency and image e  ects Create expert tables with imported Microsoft Excel data and rich formatting Collaborate with others using the Shared Content and Composition Zones technologies Prevent sticky output problems with color setups, output styles, and Job Jackets Automate your projects with new QuarkXPress scripts and third-party XTensions For the latest updates, visit the Real World QuarkXPress site: www.peachpit.com/Quark7 "This is the book. Period. I’ve learned something from every new edition of Real World QuarkXPress since 1990.” —Jay Nelson, Editorial Director, PlanetQuark.com and Design Tools Monthly

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