Beschreibung Adobe Acrobat 8 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide (English Edition). Adobe Acrobat 8 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide uses a combination of task-based instruction and strong visuals to teach beginning and intermediate users how to be more productive with Adobe Acrobat. Author John Deubert takes readers step by step through all of the Adobe Acrobat 8 essentials, both basic--creating and viewing electronic documents, streamlining document reviews, using Acrobat's commenting and reviewing tools--and advanced--using digital signatures, creating interactive forms, and protecting sensitive documents. Both beginning users who want a thorough introduction to the topic, and more advanced users looking for a convenient reference will find what they need here in straightforward language, clear steps, and practical tips. By the end of the book, users will be able to smoothly integrate Adobe Acrobat 8 into their workflow.
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