Beschreibung Real World Adobe Illustrator CS3 (English Edition). Real World Adobe Illustra tor CS3 is the definitive reference to Adobe's industry-standard vector graphics software. With an easy, engaging style, author Mordy Golding takes readers through all of the features of the program, explaining not only how to use the multitude of features but also why and when to use them. This edition has been thoroughly updated for Illustrator CS3, including insightful techniques on using the new Live Color environment and its tools, a new Isolation mode for working on complex artwork, and new tools for drawing, erasing, modifying, and cropping graphic. New integration features with Flash CS3 are also covered in depth; for example, readers learn how symbols can be defined as movie clips for use in Flash. Now that Illustrator and Flash are both part of several bundled offerings of the Creative Suite, this coverage is a key part of the entire uninterrupted workflow from initial concept to final execution. Along with tips, sidebars, and expert commentary, there are also numerous illustrations and screen shots included to offer readers the most complete coverage on this extraordinary application. Designers from all fields--illustrators, animators, package designers, graphic designers, web designers, and more--will find Real World Adobe Illustrator CS3 their one-stop guide to creating powerful designs in Illustrator
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Adobe Illustrator CS2: Das Handbuch zum Lernen und ~ Über die Ausgestaltung dieses Buches mag man sich streiten, wichtig sind hier der geordnete Inhalt und die Übersicht über die Vielfalt der Anwendungen des Adobe Illustrators CS3. Dieses Ziel ist hier voll erreicht. Wer Beispiele für gute Gestaltung sucht, muss auf andere Unterlagen zurückgreifen. Die Anwendungen sind hier zum Teil besser beschrieben als im Original-Handbuch von Adobe. Als .
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