Beschreibung The Busy Writer's Tips on Writing Romance (English Edition). So, you're thinking of writing a Romance Novel? Good choice! Romance fiction is one of the most popular genres in the Amazon bookstore - indeed, in any major bookstore. Every day, thousands more titles are sold. Every year, the figures of romances sold eclipse most other genres. This is not just a flash in the pan, either. Romance novels have always sold well. Romance novels always WILL sell well. It's easy to see why. We all love a happy ending. Relationships, love and caring are important to everyone, and we would all like to think that we'll end up with our soul mates. If you browse through the various sub-genres of romance fiction, you'll see that authors are spoiled for choice. You can write contemporary romance, historical, paranormal, time-travel, romantic suspense, romance novels for young adults and just about anything in between. Romance fiction is a lot of fun to write, and it can be very lucrative for the lucky (or should I say, hard-working!) author who cracks it. The Busy Writer's Tips on Writing Romance equips you with the knowledge and tools you need to get started quickly in this popular genre, as well as pointing you in the direction of further help when you need it. In this book, you will find: # General tips on writing romance fiction # Tips on creating vivid, believable heroes and heroines# How to hook your reader # Where to start your story # Tips on creating emotional punch (all-important in any romance!) # What 'show, don't tell' really means # Tips on conflict, pace and tension # Tips on creating a romantic setting # Tips on plotting a romance novel, with a Basic Plot Outline ("Add your own seasoning"!) # An overview of romance sub-genres # Sensuality versus sexuality # How to build sexual tension # Three handy checklists - Emotional Punch, First Chapter, Setting & Sensuality The Busy Writer's Tips on Writing Romance will have you writing for this popular, evergreen genre within days!
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