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    Word 2007: The Missing Manual: The Missing Manual (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Word 2007: The Missing Manual: The Missing Manual (English Edition). Microsoft Word has grown considerably in power, sophistication and capability over the past decade, but one thing that hasn't changed since the early '90s is its user interface. The simple toolbar in version 2.0 has been packed with so many features since then that few users know where to find them all. Consequently, more and more people are looking for "insider" tips that will allow them to use these advanced and often hidden features. Microsoft has addressed this problem in Word 2007 by radically redesigning the user interface with a tabbed toolbar that makes every feature easy to locate and use. Unfortunately, Microsoft's documentation is as scant as ever, so even though you will be able to find advanced features, you might not know what to do with them.Word 2007: The Missing Manual, written specifically for this version of the software, explains basics like how to create documents, enter and edit text, format, print, and fax. You will will also learn how to create sophisticated page layouts, insert forms and tables, use graphics, and create book-length documents with outlines and Master Documents. Coverage also includes how to share documents with other people and programs, create web pages, automate documents with fields, and automate tasks with macros and the Visual Basic scripting language. This book shows you how to do it all.

    Buch Word 2007: The Missing Manual: The Missing Manual (English Edition) PDF ePub

    Missing Manuals - O'Reilly Media ~ O'Reilly's Missing Manual series are beautifully written manuals with a casual, user-friendly tone for popular consumer software and hardware products.

    Word 2007: The Missing Manual: The Missing Manual: Chris ~ Word 2007: The Missing Manual, written specifically for this version of the software, explains basics like how to create documents, enter and edit text, format, print, and fax. You will will also learn how to create sophisticated page layouts, insert forms and tables, use graphics, and create book-length documents with outlines and Master Documents. Coverage also includes how to share .

    How to recover a lost file in Word 2007 or in Word 2003 ~ If you find any files that are named "Backup of" followed by the name of the missing document, follow these steps to open the backup copy: Start Word. Perform one of the following actions: If you use Word 2007: Click the Microsoft Office Button, click Open, click All Files (*.*) in the Files of type box, locate and select the file, and then click Open. If you use Word 2003: Click Open on the .

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