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    The Entrepreneur's Tax Guide (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Entrepreneur's Tax Guide (English Edition). The brunt of taxation in the UK is borne by owner-managed trading and investment businesses. For many of these, tax is by far their biggest overhead. On top of this, taxation is becoming ever more complex: never has it been more important for businesspeople to have access to sound tax advice from an acknowledged specialist. Tax expert Alan Pink offers a comprehensive set of strategies to reduce tax liabilities on businesses. He considers the full range of types of tax – taxes on profits (such as income tax, corporation tax and National Insurance contributions); capital taxes (such as capital gains tax and inheritance tax); and VAT. Throughout the book handy lists of action points are provided for practical tax planning. Current rates of tax and allowances are also listed.The rewards of tax planning are huge. This book will help hard-pressed businesses and investors play the tax game by the rules – and still win.

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    The Entrepreneurs Tax Guide: : Alan Pink ~ I run a medium-sized business (50+ people) and have often wished there was a plain-English guide to tax for entrepreneurs such as myself. I don't want to engage in fancy tax planning like Starbucks or Apple but do want to know how I can minimise our company tax bill and also how to take money out of the business in the most tax-effective way. What I like about Pink's book is that it is full of .

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