Beschreibung Mastering openFrameworks: Creative Coding Demystified (English Edition). In DetailopenFrameworks is a powerful programming toolkit and library designed to assist the creative process through simplicity and intuitiveness. It's a very handy software library written in C++ to reduce the software development process, helping you to kick-start creative coding. With the help of C++ and shaders support, openFrameworks allows for the processing of all kinds of media information with your custom-developed algorithms at the lowest possible level, with the fastest speed."Mastering openFrameworks: Creative Coding Demystified" will introduce you to a world of creative coding projects, including interactive installations, audio-visual, and sound art projects. You will learn how to make your own projects using openFrameworks. This book focuses on low-level data processing, which allows you to create really unique and cutting-edge installations and projects."Mastering openFrameworks: Creative Coding Demystified" provides a complete introduction to openFrameworks, including installation, core capabilities, and addons. Advanced topics like shaders, computer vision, and depth cameras are also covered.We start off by discussing the basic topics such as image and video loading, rendering and processing, playing sound samples, and synthesizing new sounds. We then move on to cover 3D graphics, computer vision, and depth cameras. You will also learn a number of advanced topics such as video mapping, interactive floors and walls, video morphing, networking, and using geometry shaders.You will learn everything you need to know in order to create your own projects; create projects of all levels, ranging from simple creative-code experiments, to big interactive systems consisting of a number of computers, depth cameras, and projectors.ApproachStuffed with practical examples, this book gives clear and effective instructions to build your own fun, stunning, and highly-interactive openFrameworks applications. Each chapter is focused on one topic and has a new theme to it.Who this book is forIf you are a visual artist, designer, or programmer interested in creative coding with openFrameworks then this book is for you. Basic knowledge of object-oriented programming, such as C++, Java, Python, and ActionScript 3, would be helpful.
Mastering openFrameworks: Creative Coding Demystified ~ Mastering openFrameworks: Creative Coding Demystified (English Edition) / Yanc Chris / ISBN: 9781849518048 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Masering Openframeworks Creative Coding Demystified ~ covered openframeworks creative coding demystified provides a complete introduction to openframeworks including installation core capabilities and addons advanced topics like shaders computer vision and depth cameras are also covered we start off by discussing the basic topics such as image and video loading rendering and processing playing mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified .
Mastering Openframeworks Creative Coding Demystified PDF ~ mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified Sep . this book focuses on low level data processing which allows you to create really unique mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified english edition yanc chris isbn 9781849518048 kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified english edition ebook .
Mastering Openframeworks Creative Coding Demystified [EPUB] ~ mastering openframeworks creative coding . this book focuses on low level data processing which allows you to create really unique mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified english edition ebook denis perevalov de kindle shop mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified english edition yanc chris isbn 9781849518048 kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und .
Mastering Openframeworks Creative Coding Demystified [PDF] ~ mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified Sep 10 . mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified english edition yanc chris isbn 9781849518048 kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified will introduce you to a world of creative coding projects including interactive installations audio visual .
Mastering Openframeworks Creative Coding Demystified [PDF] ~ mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified . openframeworks creative coding demystified english edition yanc chris isbn 9781849518048 kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified openframeworks is the doorway to so many creative multimedia possibilities and this book will tell you everything you need to .
Mastering Openframeworks Creative Coding Demystified [EBOOK] ~ ^ Book Mastering Openframeworks Creative Coding Demystified ^ Uploaded By Danielle Steel, mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified english edition yanc chris isbn 9781849518048 kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified english
Mastering Openframeworks Creative Coding Demystified [EBOOK] ~ mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified Sep . openframeworks creative coding demystified english edition yanc chris isbn 9781849518048 kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified provides a complete introduction to openframeworks including installation core hello select your address best sellers .
Mastering Openframeworks Creative Coding Demystified [EPUB] ~ mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified Sep 10, 2020 . creative coding demystified english edition yanc chris isbn 9781849518048 kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified provides a complete introduction to openframeworks including installation core capabilities and addons advanced topics like .
Mastering Openframeworks Creative Coding Demystified ~ mastering openframeworks creative coding . creative coding demystified english edition ebook denis perevalov de kindle shop mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified english edition yanc chris isbn 9781849518048 kostenloser versand fur alle bucher mit versand und verkauf duch mastering openframeworks creative coding demystified is a great way to learn to develop .
Mastering openFrameworks: Creative Coding Demystified ~ Mastering openFrameworks: Creative Coding Demystified (English Edition) eBook: Denis Perevalov: : Kindle-Shop
Mastering openFrameworks: Creative Coding Demystified ~ Lesen Sie âMastering openFrameworks: Creative Coding Demystifiedâ von Denis Perevalov erhĂ€ltlich bei Rakuten Kobo. Stuffed with practical examples, this book gives clear and effective instructions to build your own fun, stunning, and h.