Beschreibung Optimal Redistributive Taxation (English Edition). Tax systems raise large amounts of revenue for funding public sector's activities, and tax/transfer policy, together with public provision of education, health care, and social services, play a crucial role in treating the symptoms and the causes of poverty. The normative analysis is crucial for tax/transfer design because it makes it possible to assess separately how changes in the redistributive criterion of the government, and changes in the size of thebehavioural responses to taxes and transfers, affect the optimal tax/transfer system. Optimal tax theory provides a way of thinking rigorously about these trade-offs.Written primarily for graduate students and researchers, this volume is intended as a textbook and research monograph, connecting optimal tax theory to tax policy. It comments on some policy recommendations of the Mirrlees Review, and builds on the authors work on public economics, optimal tax theory, behavioural public economics, and income inequality.The book explains in depth the Mirrlees model and presents various extensions of it. The first set of extensions considers changing the preferences for consumption and work: behavioural-economic modifications (such as positional externalities, prospect theory, paternalism, myopic behaviour and habit formation) but also heterogeneous work preferences (besides differences in earnings ability). The second set of modifications concerns the objective of the government. The book explains thedifferences in optimal redistributive tax systems when governments - instead of maximising social welfare - minimise poverty or maximise social welfare based on rank order or charitable conservatism social welfare functions. The third set of extensions considers extending the Mirrlees income tax framework toallow for differential commodity taxes, capital income taxation, public goods provision, public provision of private goods, and taxation commodities that generate externalities. The fourth set of extensions considers incorporating a number of important real-word extensions such as tagging of tax schedules to certain groups of tax payers. In all extensions, the book illustrates the main mechanisms using advanced numerical simulations.
Optimal Redistributive Taxation (English Edition) eBook ~ Optimal Redistributive Taxation (English Edition) eBook: Tuomala, Matti: : Kindle-Shop
Optimal Redistributive Taxation: : Matti ~ Optimal Redistributive Taxation / Matti (Professor, University of Tampere, Finland) Tuomala / ISBN: 9780198753414 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
eBook: Optimal Redistributive Taxation von Matti Tuomala ~ Optimal Redistributive Taxation von Matti Tuomala (ISBN 978-0-19-106774-7) online kaufen / Sofort-Download - lehmanns
Optimal Redistributive Taxation Download - onlybooks ~ by Matti Tuomala / 2016 / English / PDF. Read Online 6.3 MB Download. Tax systems raise large amounts of revenue for funding public sector's activities, and tax/transfer policy, together with public provision of education, health care, and social services, play a crucial role in treating the symptoms and the causes of poverty. The normative analysis is crucial for tax/transfer design because .
eBook: Optimal Redistributive Taxation von Matti Tuomala ~ Optimal Redistributive Taxation von Matti Tuomala (ISBN 978-0-19-106773-0) online kaufen / Sofort-Download -
Optimal Redistributive Taxation with both Extensive and ~ Optimal Redistributive Taxation with both Extensive and Intensive Responses Abstract We derive a general optimal income tax formula when individuals respond along both the intensive and extensive margins and when income effects can prevail. Individuals are heterogeneous across two dimensions: their skill and their disutility of participation. Prefer- ences over consumption and work effort can .
Optimal Redistributive Taxation by Matti Tuomala 2016-03 ~ Optimal Redistributive Taxation by Matti Tuomala (2016-03-14) / Matti Tuomala / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Economics of Optimal Redistributive Taxation ~ Economics of Optimal Redistributive Taxation . labor market is a good starting point to study the theory of the optimal direct taxation. In a first-best setting, Taxation can be conditioned on earnings and skill Tw (w),whereas in a second-best setting, taxation can be conditioned on earnings only. To keep generality, we provisionally keep the notation Tw (w) for both settings, while in .
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Optimal taxation in theory and practice 060109 final ~ 3 Optimal tax research in the spirit of Mirrlees (1971) has generally avoided situations in which the Revelation Principle does not apply, such as if the social planner cannot commit to a future policy plan. 6 In the rest of this paper, we focus on eight of the most prominent lessons suggested by optimal tax theory. Many of these were first derived in work during the 1970s and 1980s, and part .
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REDISTRIBUTIVE TAXATION / Bedeutung im Cambridge Englisch ~ redistributive taxation Bedeutung, Definition redistributive taxation: a situation in which rich people are taxed more and poor people are taxed less, as a percentage of….
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Economic integration and redistribuitive taxation ~ We set up a simple political economy model where economic integration raises the profitability of multinational firms. In this setting redistributive taxation may rise following economic integration, if the effects of the widened income gap dominate the higher excess burden of the tax.
Education, redistributive taxation and confidence ~ We consider redistributional taxation between people with and without human capital if education is endogenous and if individuals differ in their perceptions about own ability. Those who see their ability as low like redistributive taxation because of the transfers it generates. Those who see their ability as high may also like redistributive taxation because it stops other people receiving .
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Optimal taxation and public provision for poverty ~ The existing literature on optimal taxation typically assumes there exists a capacity to implement complex tax schemes, which is not necessarily the case for many developing countries. We examine the determinants of optimal redistributive policies in the context of a developing country that can only implement linear tax policies due to administrative reasons.
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