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    The Road To Financial Freedom - Earn Your First Million in Seven Years: What Rich People Do and Poor People Do Not to Become Rich (English Edition)

    Beschreibung The Road To Financial Freedom - Earn Your First Million in Seven Years: What Rich People Do and Poor People Do Not to Become Rich (English Edition). #1 worldwide bestseller! Bodo Schafer suggests tips to help you to become as successful as he is and to find the road to financial freedom.For many people the concept of owning a million dollars at one stroke is completely unfathomable. So what if you could do it in seven years? Bodo Schafer, renowned financier and personal management trainer, helps people to discover the tips and tricks that successful individuals use to achieve their aims.“The Road to Financial Freedom” is an interesting journey, and Schafer will help you overcome it. Being rich and successful isn’t merely luck; it demands discipline, special tools and understanding of finances. And most people simply don’t have all these characteristics. This book will help you to learn what keeps success out of the grasp of ordinary individuals.From this book you will learn:- How to control and eliminate debts- How to manage asset’s growth- How to find ways to not depend on others for financial solvency- And so much more!While to become a millionaire in just seven years seems to be a dream to some people, those ones who practice the habits from this book can very well see how it becomes a reality. People are frightened by financial prejudices which keeps them from attain success that’s why people don't know they could be capable of. You can earn money, manage money, and watch how money grows in a way that allows you have all you want. Finally it’s all about how to make money to work for you instead of spending your whole life working for money.

    Buch The Road To Financial Freedom - Earn Your First Million in Seven Years: What Rich People Do and Poor People Do Not to Become Rich (English Edition) PDF ePub

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