Beschreibung 3D Printing Projects (English Edition). Over 20 exciting 3D printing projects for kids to design and print their own toys, gadgets, models, and ornaments. Using freely available 3D modelling software and without the need for your own 3D printer, 3D Printing Projects has inspiration and instructions for a wide range of thrilling projects, from simple models you can print and assemble at home to more elaborate builds you can design on screen and then order online. Taking children 9 years old+ through how a 3D printer works and what type of 3D printers there are to 3D scanning and preparing files, this is the perfect introduction to this exciting and ever-expanding technology. Each projects consists of numbered steps that walk you through the 3D design process, from digital modelling and sculpting to slicing, printing, and painting so that children can make their own shark-shaped phone stand or a monster chess set! Join the 3D printing revolution today with DK's 3D Printing Projects book.
3D Printing Projects: : DK: Fremdsprachige Bücher ~ Using freely available online 3D modelling/CAD programmes, 3D Printing Projects has inspiration and instructions for a wide range of thrilling projects, from simple models you can print and assemble at home to more elaborate builds you can design on screen and then order online. Taking children 9 years old+ through how a 3D printer works and what type of 3D printers there are to 3D scanning .
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