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    Modernized Accounting & Technology for the Small Business Owner: Increase Your Business Profits and Productivity (English Edition)

    Beschreibung Modernized Accounting & Technology for the Small Business Owner: Increase Your Business Profits and Productivity (English Edition). Discover the Benefits of a Modernized Accounting SystemIf you’re a business owner, looking for new ways to grow and improve your business without devoting more hours into your schedule or spending money that doesn’t produce results, then keep reading. Wouldn’t it be nice to save money and free up time each week? This is where technology is available to make your life easier. Leveraging the right tools and strategies can make a massive difference in how efficiently you run your company. “Tech-savvy business owners have an advantage, and are saving money and time.”The goal of this book is to show you how current technology and internet-based applications can help you grow your business without compromising quality.You will learn about:• Going Paperless, Apps, and Cloud-Based Accounting• How to Modernize your Accounting System• Security Practices for Online Accounting• Creating Leverage by Outsourcing• Accounting Concepts that Make Sense• How to Audit-Proof Your Business• Finding a Tech-Savvy Accountant• Understanding Financial StatementsMy name is Noel B. Lorenzana. I’m a Registered CPA. I’ve spent the past 25 years in business, tax, and accounting, with the past several years helping small business owners improve their profits and get better results by combining technology, strategy, and proactive accounting. As a Tax Resolution Specialist, I’ve also had the chance to represent many taxpayers and help them resolve their tax problems. It’s been a pleasure helping taxpayers and business owners get great results. I hope to help you get great results too. I’m excited to think what that means for your business!

    Buch Modernized Accounting & Technology for the Small Business Owner: Increase Your Business Profits and Productivity (English Edition) PDF ePub

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