Beschreibung KDP Publishing Fast Track Sales Plan for Nonfiction Books: How to Hit #1 in Multiple Categories on Amazon in Two Weeks or Less Without Reviews or a Mailing List (English Edition). Are you a newly published author confused over how to market your nonfiction book on KDP Amazon and elsewhere? Learn the system bestselling authors use to sell books faster!Follow James Dillehay as he takes a book idea from conception to publishing on Amazon and gets it to rank #1 in New Releases in 9 categories, in its first two weeks, without reviews, and without a mailing list. James' experiences come from thirty years of self-publishing. His books have landed him interviews in The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo Finance Page, Family Circle, HGTV and many other media. He has contributed to three books in the bestselling, internationally known Guerrilla Marketing series.James shows you a proven plan to soar your nonfiction book's Amazon Bestseller Rank and boost your sales in other markets.Discover: * How you can find profitable book topics for KDP publishing that earn you royalties for years.* How you can test your Kindle ebooks' titles and covers with real buyers before you publish on Amazon.* How you can get your book into ten categories on Amazon (instead of two) and how to choose categories where your book can easily rank #1 bestseller.* How you can take advantage of the same search words buyers use to find digital books like yours.* How you can get hundreds or even thousands of orders before your book goes live.* How you can get your previously published books to rank higher and sell more copies.* And many more tips for profitably publishing a book on Amazon and other markets.If all the generic advice you have read about KDP self-publishing has left you bewildered about what to do first, next, and onwards, maybe you're ready for the proven Kindle publishing plan bestselling authors use. Buy a copy of KDP Publishing Fast Track Sales Plan for Nonfiction Books today to get more readers buying your books.