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    No Nonsense Forex Trading Psychology (English Edition)

    Beschreibung No Nonsense Forex Trading Psychology (English Edition). Without full control of your own trading psychology, you officially have nothing. It does not matter what else you do. All new traders start with a very poor grasp of their own trading psychology, and it often never gets better. We waste so much time working on all other aspects of trading because they're a lot more fun and exciting, then wonder why we never got to where we wanted to be in our trading careers. All of the time we spent, the hopes, the dreams, and most noticeably the money -- all gone.Bad psychology was the reason. It always is.Without it, nothing else works the way it's supposed to.Unlike most material you will find on the subject, which is usually nothing more than high theory and a vague tip or two, this book breaks down trading psychology all the way to its core, explaining why traders get in their own way so much more often in the world of Forex Trading than any other market, break down why it happens, and then show exactly what we can do about it.**This book can also apply to stock trading, crypto, commodities, and most other traded markets, but for the sake of simplicity focuses on Forex trading.Once you have purchased this book, you have it for life, and you can easily refer back to it anytime you are facing a difficult battle in your own trading. Chances are, the current dilemma you're facing at the time will be covered here.Here is everything you will get:- An explanation on why Forex is the one market set up for the most people to succeed, and also for the most people to fail.- A one-page blueprint on exactly how to keep bad trading psychology at bay- The "Elimination Method". No need to add a bunch of extra pieces to the puzzle, this book is primarily about what we can simply remove. It's all much easier than you think it is.- 18 separate examples of psychological dilemmas we currently have, or will soon encounter as traders someday, and how to overcome them all.- Three things you can do RIGHT NOW, to instantly vault your own trading psychology over almost every trader alive today.- How to use your newfound mastery of your own trading mind to set yourself up to survive and prosper through what is certain to be a very unpredictable decade.One single chapter in this book can be the difference between a trading situation which constantly plagues you and ruins your account, and turning it all around so you can put all of that lost money right back into your pocket. What's that worth?This book was also written to be an entertaining and very easy read. This is a welcome change in the psychology category, I think you will agree. I really do hope it serves you well, and has life-changing effects on the way you trade. You were wise enough to try and fix the one thing that takes every failed trader down -- almost nobody does that. I hope this book was exactly what you needed.-- Patrick

    Buch No Nonsense Forex Trading Psychology (English Edition) PDF ePub

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